November 17, 2000
posted on Nov. 17: Math may help save some endangered species[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”David Earn”]Conservation corridors are commonly believed to help protect species which are endangered by habitat fragmentation. But this may not be true. . . .
November 17, 2000
posted on Nov. 17: Bringing Bertrand Russell to the massesBritish author and philosopher Ray Monk is on campus today to sign his newest book on 20th-century philosopher Bertrand Russell (Monk will be at Titles between 12:45 and 1:30). Last night Monk gave a lecture on Russell's life and work at the official opening of McMaster's Bertrand Russell Research Centre. He will also give a lecture this afternoon for the Department of Philosophy on A Room Not of One's Own: Wittgenstein and Virginia Woolf on Biography, at 2 p.m. in Convocation Hall, UH-213. The most important advantage of the newly established Russell Centre will be the opportunities it offers for promoting McMaster as the international home of Russell studies. Photo: Ron Scheffler
November 17, 2000
posted on Nov. 17: Run for the Arts takes place tomorrow (Nov. 18)[img_inline align=”right” src=””]What could be finer on a Saturday morning in November, than a brisk five-km run or walk around McMaster's beautiful campus? We rather . . .
November 16, 2000
posted on Nov. 16: Acting v-p and dean of health sciences announcedBill Orovan, professor and chair of the Department of Surgery, takes up the position of acting vice-president and dean of McMaster's Faculty of Health Sciences on Jan. 1. His appointment was announced by University President Peter George. "Dr. Orovan will bring a wealth of experience and exceptional leadership skills to this interim role, which will enable all health sciences' faculty, staff and students to continue to move forward with new initiatives and programs," said President George.
November 16, 2000
posted on Nov. 16: Leadership Committee seeks volunteers for task work groupsProgress continues on the implementation of the Staff Survey recommendations made by four working groups earlier this year. The Leadership Committee overseeing the implementation of . . .
November 15, 2000
posted on Nov. 15: Event brings GIS to students, general publicOver 200 people are on campus today to participate in a day-long Geographical Informational Systems event being held in Convocation Hall today(Wednesday, Nov. 15). Many are Grade 9 high school students who are learning about GIS in school. As part of Geography Awareness Week across North America, McMaster's GIS Lab is offering students, faculty, staff and members of the public an introduction to GIS, an important tool that has everyday applications.
November 15, 2000
posted on Nov. 15: Campus revs up for semi-final football gameThe toilets are coming. The extra bleachers and concessions are coming. There will be more ticket takers and more security. The one thing McMaster organizers . . .
November 15, 2000
posted on Nov. 15: New Manufacturing Research Institute takes shape[img_inline align=”right” src=””]Work on the $3.14-million addition to the John Hodgins Engineering building is progressing on schedule. If construction continues as planned, the home of . . .
November 15, 2000
posted on Nov. 15: Bertrand Russell’s Odyssey: From Lenin to Lennon[img_inline align=”right” src=””]While it is possible to find slices of Einstein's brain in the McMaster Health Sciences Centre, the Russell Archives in the Mills Memorial . . .
November 14, 2000
posted on Nov.14: Contractors work to enclose University Centre before winterWork on the new University Centre continues as the contractor tries to enclose as much of the building as possible before winter weather arrives. Concrete . . .
November 13, 2000
posted on Nov. 13: Shakespeare’s Pericles, Prince of Tyre opens Nov. 18 at Robinson TheatreBursting onto the theatre scene in more ways than one, McMaster University's School of Art, Drama & Music's production of Pericles is sure to do . . .
November 13, 2000
posted on Nov. 13: Welcome Week Advisory Council seeks new membersApplications are being received until Monday, Nov. 27 for two faculty or staff positions and two student positions on the Welcome Week Advisory Council. The . . .
November 13, 2000
posted on Nov. 13: Senate approves new graduate programs, chair in business innovationThe following is a summary of highlights of the Nov. 8 Senate meeting: Senate approved proposals for three new graduate programs in Engineering: a master's . . .
November 13, 2000
posted on Nov. 13: Marauders win Yates Cup for first time everA jubilant Greg Marshall, surrounded by members of the Marauder football team, hoists the Yates Cup, which McMaster won for the first time ever on Saturday, Nov. 11 after defeating Laurier by a resounding 48-23. The victory gives McMaster home field advantage in the national championship semi-final, the Churchill Bowl, against Ottawa this Saturday (Nov. 18). Marauder Kojo Aidoo was selected the Most Valuable Player of the game. Photo: Ron Scheffler
November 13, 2000
posted on Nov. 14: University Centre name narrowed to three choicesWill the new University Centre carry the name of the first McMaster student who died in a world war, reflect an alumni legacy, or honour the thousands of students who have supported the project for the last 20 years? The Ad Hoc committee on University Centre Naming has chosen three possibilities from 45 different suggestions proposed by 72 submitters. The finalists are: The B.F. Trotter Student Centre, The (McMaster) Student Legacy Centre and The McMaster University Student Centre. The Student Representative Assembly (SRA) will vote Nov. 26 for one of the three names forwarded by the committee. The winning name will be forwarded to the Board of Governors in December as the choice of the students.
November 13, 2000
posted on Nov. 14: Men’s cross-country team finishes fourth in CanadaThe McMaster men's cross-country team earned their best finish at the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union Cross-Country Running Championships in over 30 years with a hard-fought, . . .
November 12, 2000
posted on Nov. 12: McMaster ranked as one of Canada’s leading universitiesFor the seventh time in eight years McMaster has been named Canada's most innovative "medical doctoral" university in Maclean's annual ranking of universities. When all 47 universities in the magazine's three ranking categories are put together, McMaster was named the second most innovative university overall.
November 10, 2000
800 students to receive McMaster degrees todaySome 800 hard-working undergraduate and graduate McMaster students will gather at Hamilton Place today to receive their degrees at two McMaster Convocations. At the ceremony for graduates in the Faculties of humanities and social sciences and the Arts & Science Program, beginning at 9:30 a.m., Jack Granatstein and Valerie Tryon will be awarded honorary degrees. Peter Martini and Louis Nirenberg will be awarded honorary degrees at the ceremony for graduates in the Faculties of business, engineering, science and health sciences, beginning at 2:30 p.m. File photo of spring 2000 graduands
November 10, 2000
posted on Nov. 10: McMaster honours four with honorary degreesThese degrees are awarded to persons who are distinguished scholars or who have made outstanding contributions to the creative or performing arts; to persons who . . .
November 9, 2000
posted on Nov. 9: Chancellor’s Gold Medal Winner: Carl RothfelsWhen Carl Rothfels got a message from literature professor Jean Wilson last week to call her as soon as possible he wondered what was up. Was he in trouble? What did he do? The news she had for him was good. He has won this year's Chancellor's Gold Medal. "I was completely surprised and I still feel a little strange about it. There are a number of people who have done so much. I'm not entirely sure why I was selected." Rothfels, who describes himself as a "chronic generalist" who has a difficulty narrowing himself down to a specific path and area of specialization, is currently completing his final year of a five-year Combined Honours Arts & Science and Biology Program. While maintaining a straight-A record in academics he has been an avid naturalist.