April 20, 2016
Vote now for the 3MT People’s Choice AwardIt’s time for the people to speak! Online voting is now open for the 2016 3MT People’s Choice Awards. The Three Minute Thesis is an . . .
April 19, 2016
Arrest made after police investigate allegations of sexual assaultThe Hamilton Police Service Victims of Crime Unit has arrested a 19-year-old man after investigating allegations of sexual assaults at McMaster University during the Light Up . . .
April 19, 2016
McMaster Day at the Ontario Science CentreApril 23 is McMaster Day at the Ontario Science Centre. Show your McMaster ID and get 20 per cent off admission to the Centre. While . . .
April 19, 2016
Recreational classes being offered at McMasterAre you looking for Springtime Yoga, Dance, Pilates, Squash Lessons, Martial Arts, Fencing or Meditation? McMaster Recreation has it all starting in May in the . . .
April 18, 2016
PD Series: Life is Not Linear Session TwoAre you looking for inspiration or motivation to change the course of your journey in your career or even in your life? Attend a community . . .
April 18, 2016
Carl Sagan’s Universe: Planetarium showing, Thursday April 21On Thursday April 21 visit the W.J. McCallion Planetarium for two special showings of “Carl Sagan’s Universe,” one of the featured activities in the McMaster . . .
April 18, 2016
Employee Appreciation Week at the Campus StoreStop by the Campus Store April 18th to 23rd for McMaster Employee Appreciation Week. All McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences employees receive a 20% . . .
April 18, 2016
Memorial service for Graham HillGraham Hill passed away April 13. Graham served as President of the University Club (1997-2008) and, prior to retirement, was University Librarian. You are invited . . .
April 18, 2016
Time to update your MAC ID passwordBeginning this spring McMaster will take steps to improve the security of MAC ID passwords. Specifically, faculty and staff who have a password which is . . .
April 17, 2016
Presentation on the Living Learning CentreThere will be a presentation on the new Living and Learning Centre Project, on Wednesday April 20, 2016 in the seating area of the CENTRO, . . .
April 15, 2016
Arshad Ahmad speaks at Smart Global Development ConferenceTributes flowed throughout the day in honour of McMaster for making the first university program funded by the Aga Khan a resounding success. Not . . .
April 15, 2016
Help shape the Library’s new websiteHave comments or suggestions to improve the Library’s website? McMaster University Library is redesigning its website and invites students, faculty and staff to complete a short survey to . . .
April 15, 2016
Flags at half-mast for Linda Anne TimminsThe flags are at half-mast in memory of Linda Anne Timmins Linda passed away on April 12, 2016. Linda was a long time employee of . . .
April 15, 2016
How to close the fiscal yearMcMaster’s fiscal year will end on April 30, 2016. This document describes the steps and deadlines that will assist you in properly closing the fiscal . . .
April 13, 2016
9th Annual DAY in Faculty DevelopmentOn Wednesday, May 4, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. the Program for Faculty Development will be hosting its Annual DAY in Faculty Development. . . .
April 12, 2016
Incidents during Light Up the NightInvestigations are continuing after McMaster Security received several complaints of gender-based violence during the recent Light Up the Night event. Security received a complaint of . . .
April 12, 2016
Stem Cells 101: The Promise and the PotentialLooking for some clarity on stem cells? McMaster University and the Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine are hosting a free public forum to provide current, . . .
April 12, 2016
Sustainable lunch with Green Party Leader, Mike Schreiner: April 21The best interactions invariably occur over food. Join McMaster University faculty, staff, students, and community neighbours for a lunchtime conversation about food sustainability and food . . .
April 11, 2016
Final Campus Master Plan open houseAn invitation from Facility Services: Please join us for the CAMPUS MASTER PLAN UPDATE FINAL OPEN HOUSE April 15, 2016 | David Braley Athletics Centre . . .
April 11, 2016
Saying farewell to Ecumenical Chaplain Carol WoodThe McMaster Campus Ministries Council (MCMC), President’s Advisory Committee on Building an Inclusive Community (PACBIC), McMaster Community Poverty Initiative (MCPI), and Anti-Violence Network (AVN) invite . . .