McMaster Archive

April 25, 2000

Notice of death: David Kinsley, professor of religious studies

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”David Kinsley”]McMaster professor of religious studies David Kinsley died early this morning (Tuesday, April 25) of lung cancer. Friend, colleague and golf . . .

April 24, 2000

Military expert brings his views on armed force to McMaster

His work on infantry tactics became the bible of the American Marine Corps and has now been translated into Chinese. His comments on the shape and structure of the Canadian Forces have drawn fire across the country. Renowned military historian and professor Lt.-Col. John A. English brings his controversial views on the armed forces to McMaster University later this week when he presents the McMaster/Argyll Lecture in History and Public Affairs.

April 24, 2000

10 McMaster professors recognized for excellence

Two individuals and a team of eight professors have been awarded the President's Awards for Excellence for the year 2000.

April 24, 2000

Uprooted trees will be replanted when University Centre is completed

Everything old is new again. The trees on the site of the future University Centre are no exception. Many of the trees have been carefully uprooted, transported to temporary holding in a nursery and will be replanted to complement the landscape of the new building.

April 21, 2000

Two faculty members elected to the Board

Lorraine Allan, professor of psychology, and Andrea Baumann, professor and associate dean of nursing, have been elected to represent the teaching staff on the Board . . .

April 21, 2000

Staff survey work team wants suggestions from staff

The McMaster staff working group that has been asked to make suggestions to improve staff involvement at McMaster is looking for ideas from staff.

April 20, 2000

McMaster professor will co-lead national breast cancer project

A McMaster professor will co-lead a national breast cancer project launched this week by the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative. CBCRI is providing $6.7 million in funding for two Streams of Excellence projects that will link the top researchers from different disciplines, and ensure they work together, handing off the results of their work so that research can more forward as quickly as possible in the race to find a cure for breast cancer. This new way of structuring teams of researchers will help new molecular targets through translational research and into new treatments more quickly. McMaster associate professor of medicine Timothy Whelan and University of Toronto professor Irene Andrulis will co-lead the Streams of Excellence team that will study molecular changes in breast cancer.

April 18, 2000

Annual campus cancer drive begins

April, the month of showers and flowers, also brings the Canadian Cancer Society's annual fundraising campaign to McMaster. Every McMaster employee or retiree will have . . .

April 17, 2000

Byk Canada gift supports purchase of medical journals

[img_inline align=”left” src=”” caption=”P.George, J. Suk, D. Fitzgerald”]Byk Canada Inc. will make a significant contribution to the future of McMaster University's Health Sciences Library by . . .

April 17, 2000

Local engineering firm donates $1 million for new research chair

A generous donation from a Hamilton business leader and owner of the city's largest local engineering firm will strengthen structural engineering research at McMaster University and benefit both the Ontario and Canadian construction industries. Joe Ng, president of JNE Consulting Ltd., an internationally acclaimed engineering and computer firm with offices in Hamilton, Stoney Creek, and Beijing and Guanzhou, China, is donating $1 million to McMaster University's Faculty of Engineering for an endowed chair in infrastructure renewal in the Department of Civil Engineering.

April 17, 2000

McMaster scientists involved in new vaccine and immunotherapy network

McMaster scientists will be part of the newly created Canadian Network for Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics of Cancer and Chronic Viral Diseases (CANVAC. The federal government . . .

April 14, 2000

Rehabilitation science moves into new building

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Susan Birnie”]Filing cabinets, desks and computers from the School of Rehabilitation Science are being moved into the new Mohawk-McMaster Institute for Applied . . .

April 14, 2000

Information board draws critics on campus and in community

The large, state-of-the-art video board nestled in the corner of Les Prince Field was supposed to remedy the problem of alerting the entire McMaster community to coming events. Instead, the structure, dubbed the "Mactron," has created an even bigger headache. Since its unveiling in late October, an array of concerns and complaints have been lodged concerning the board. They range from disapproval of the commercial advertising that is interspersed with campus programming to the bright glow that illuminates nearby Mayfair Crescent at night.

April 14, 2000

Non-teaching staff election to the Board of Governors

The election for a representative of the non-teaching staff on the Board of Governors will begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18 and continue . . .

April 13, 2000

McMaster summer camps have much to offer

Hundreds of Hamilton-area young people will be at McMaster this summer to try their skills at volleyball, participate in lab experiments, create their own newspaper or learn about sutures and casting. Here's a brief look at some of the camps offered this summer.

April 13, 2000

Senate endorses globalization institute

The Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition (IGHC), established in 1998, has been formally established and recognized by by Senate. “We have the critical . . .

April 13, 2000

McMaster to establish Bertrand Russell Research Centre

Senate has approved a proposal by the Faculty of Humanities to establish a Bertrand Russell Research Centre at McMaster. The centre will bring a variety of activities relating to the famous philosopher together for administrative purposes.

April 12, 2000

Funding agencies support workshop on infections

Infections in older persons are an important threat to the wellness of older adults and place an enormous burden on the health care system, as . . .

April 12, 2000

New nurses will require four-year degree

Starting January 1, 2005, all new Ontario nurses will have a four-year baccalaureate degree in nursing (BScN) announced health and long-term care minister Elizabeth Witmer and Dianne Cunningham, minister of training, colleges and universities today. "Health care is changing and nursing care is becoming more complex. Nurses need education that will prepare them to meet the challenges of the future," said Witmer. "We are acting on the advice of the College of Nurses of Ontario and the Nursing Task Force to make sure nurses are able to deliver complex new therapies and treatments, new technology and work in more independent, community-based practice." To view the ministry press release click here New education standard will prepare nurses for the future

April 11, 2000

Well-known composer makes visit

A “Big Top” circus ballet; a concerto for car horns and orchestra; an oratorio based on the New Testament book of Revelations – this is . . .