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February 19, 2016

Roy Adams one of two Canadians honoured with LERA Academic Fellows Award

DeGroote Professor Emeritus Roy Adams has been tapped to receive a Labour and Employment Relations Association (LERA) Academic Fellows Award. The award recognizes scholars who have made “contributions of . . .

February 16, 2016

Breath of Kings – Rebellion and Redemption

Join Dr. Peter Cockett and Dr. Graham Roebuck for an interactive half-day program that will provide you with some background info and insight into two . . .

February 16, 2016

McMaster, RBG sign memorandum of understanding

McMaster has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Royal Botanical Gardens in order to achieve excellence in areas of mutual interest. The two institutions, . . .

February 16, 2016

Join a conversation on community, partnerships and collaboration

Change Camp Hamilton is a participant-driven dialogue that brings together students, residents, and educational partners in a conversation on community, partnerships, and collaboration. Join us . . .

February 15, 2016

Bell Canada upgrading, re-locating circuits servicing campus

Bell Canada circuits servicing McMaster University are moving to Hamilton Hall. Bell is upgrading the circuits servicing the university and in doing so have agreed . . .

February 12, 2016

Call for nominations: The MUFA Award for Outstanding Service 

The purpose of the MUFA Award for Outstanding Service is to provide annual recognition for faculty and professional librarians who have made an outstanding contribution to . . .

February 12, 2016

McMaster celebrates Black History Month

Feb.11: The Mac Expo – 8am to 5pm, MUSC Atrium Feb. 18: Book launch – Joseph Ameil’s “Deportation and the confluence of violence within forensic mental . . .

February 12, 2016

Nomination deadline extended: Undergraduate and graduate student representatives to McMaster’s governing bodies

The nomination deadline for elections for undergraduate and graduate student representative seats on Senate and the University Planning Committee has been extended to Tuesday, February . . .

February 10, 2016

Call for Nominations: Faculty and Staff Representatives to the Board of Governors and the University Planning Committee

Nominations are now being accepted for the following teaching and non-teaching staff vacancies on the Board of Governors and the University Planning Committee. All terms . . .

February 10, 2016

Think twice before accepting Windows 10 upgrade

Microsoft has made a change to Windows update that is likely to cause many Windows-based computers at McMaster to attempt to upgrade to Windows 10. . . .

February 9, 2016

McMaster World Congress Feb. 11-12

The 37th annual McMaster World Congress, Canada’s longest-running student organized conference returns to campus Feb. 11-12. The Congress attracts an impressive roster of speakers from the business . . .

February 7, 2016

In memory of Janice Pogue

The flags are at half-mast in memory of: Janice Pogue Janice passed away on January 22, 2016. Janice was the Director of Statistics at the . . .

February 4, 2016

See McMaster research in action: Feb 9, 10

Join McMaster experts for two unique events and find out how our research is helping to build healthier communities in Hamilton and around the world. . . .

February 4, 2016

Geology Museum Day Thursday in BSB

The Geography Department invites the community to its first Museum Day from 1 to 4 p.m. in BSB 343, in the rock and material teaching . . .

February 4, 2016

Maintenance service requests now available in Mosaic

Facility Services successfully completed its move to Mosaic’s Maintenance Management Module this past Saturday. Users can now submit a maintenance service requests in Mosaic as . . .

February 3, 2016

Lecture: The Fragility of Knowledge in Psychiatry

February 3, 2016

CREST 2016: WISE’s annual interdisciplinary research and mentorship conference

Thursday March 10th, Friday March 11th, Saturday March 12th The McMaster Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Initiative is pleased to invite you to our . . .

February 1, 2016

NSERC Strategic Project Grants workshop


January 29, 2016

Eating disorder awareness week February 1-7

“In honour of Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2016, the McMaster Alliance for Body Peace and McMaster’s Student Health Education Centre are hosting a talk by . . .

January 29, 2016

IT Services review underway

McMaster is launching a wide-ranging review of its information technology services. A review team comprised of both McMaster members and experts from outside the University . . .