PD Series:  Life is Not Linear Session Two

Are you looking for inspiration or motivation to change the course of your journey in your career or even in your life?

Attend a community PD Series sponsored by the McMaster Alumni Association for an exciting opportunity to broaden your horizons, refocus your ambition, and awaken your passion for life!

Our second event is with alumna Julie Boyer, whose mission in life is to inspire people to build their business and their life on a foundation of gratitude. As an entrepreneur and successful author of 30 Days of Gratitude, Julie will provide some tips and skills in an interactive session that will help you assess your current personal and professional situation, create goals, and motivate you to make changes.

Life Is Not Linear:  Session Two – Using Gratitude to Create Purpose
Tuesday, April 19th

The Hamilton Club

6 Main Street East
Dining Room
6:30 pm – appetizers and networking
7:00 pm – start

Cost:   $10
$5 for student and young alumni