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September 20, 2012

Nominate an honorary degree recipient

Each year, the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees recommends to Senate candidates for honorary degrees to be awarded at the spring and fall convocations There . . .

September 18, 2012

Removal of gas cylinder

Some campus roads, walkways and buildings will be temporarily closed during the overnight hours Sept. 18 into the morning of Sept. 19 to allow for . . .

September 17, 2012

Call for job shadow hosts

The Student Success Centre is currently recruiting staff interested in providing either a full day or a half-day job shadow for McMaster students. This annual . . .

September 10, 2012

Temporary closure of Tandem Accelerator Annex

The Annex of the Tandem Accelerator building is being closed temporarily to allow for the removal of a gas cylinder. The cylinder, which is contained . . .

September 7, 2012

Construction on Thorndale Crescent

The City of Hamilton has passed a by-law that requires all commercial, institutional and industrial properties to install back-flow preventers downstream of their City Water . . .

September 6, 2012

Common Reading Program welcomes Lawrence Scanlan

President Patrick Deane welcomed Lawrence Scanlan, author of A Year of Living Generously: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Philanthropy, to the University Wednesday. The . . .

September 4, 2012

Participate in Open Streets McMaster

Artisans, local businesses, community groups, student clubs, McMaster offices and departments and not-for-profits are encouraged to participate in Open Streets McMaster, taking place Sept. 23. . . .

September 1, 2012

Discover Psychology Public Lecture Series: ‘The Science of Instructional Design and University 2.0’

Join us for a series of interesting lectures where you will learn about science you can use. Coffee and cookies are served at 2:30 p.m. in . . .

August 24, 2012

Mobile app needs name, logo

McMaster students will be able to better explore Hamilton with the help of a new mobile app. The app features a virtual map of downtown . . .

August 23, 2012

Construction on Forsyth

Construction on Forsyth Avenue, in front of the hospital’s underground parking garage, will begin August 27 and run until August 30. An elevated crosswalk will . . .

August 23, 2012

Sidewalk and roadway improvements on campus

As part of its continued efforts to improve safety on campus, McMaster Security and Parking Services is undertaking several sidewalk and roadway repair projects. Major . . .

August 23, 2012

New tools for developing business cases

Financial Affairs has developed two  new tools to assist the McMaster community in developing business cases. A “Business Case Template” and a “Business Case Checklist” . . .

August 21, 2012

Help McMaster shop for shopping software

Financial Affairs is investigating an e-procurement system which would expand the online procurement options available to McMaster while offering enhanced tracking, reporting and savings opportunities. . . .

August 20, 2012

Annual ice cream social

August 22, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Location: In front of the Burke Science Building. All University faculty and staff are welcome at this annual summer . . .

August 17, 2012

125th anniversary closing event

The 125th Events Sub-Committee from the university-wide 125th Anniversary Committee would like to invite you to participate in the 125th Anniversary ‘Mac in Time’ exhibit . . .

August 17, 2012

Win your tuition

Student Accounts and Cashiers has teamed up with Interac Online to offer the chance for a student to win tuition. Make up to five Interac . . .

August 15, 2012

Collective Bargaining Update – CAW Local 555

Progress continues as the University and CAW Local 555 negotiate a renewed collective agreement. The union represents about 2200 support and technical staff at McMaster. . . .

August 14, 2012

Graduate Student Day: September 5

Graduate Student Day is an annual event organized by the Centre for Leadership in Learning, the school of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Student Association. . . .

August 9, 2012

Trivia: How well do you know The Sil?

In celebration of McMaster’s 125th anniversary, the McMaster Alumni Association is running a weekly trivia contest. Think you know the answer? Email it to the . . .

August 7, 2012

Hamilton Police update

Hamilton Police Services has posted the following updates regarding incidents in West Hamilton. Update one Update two