McMaster Archive

May 9, 2000

Divinity graduates 22 students, honours dedicated volunteer

Twenty-two McMaster students will be awarded degrees from Divinity College this evening at the College's Spring Convocation in Convocation Hall. Nine master of divinity, two master of religious education, seven master of theological studies, and one doctor of ministry degrees will be awarded. Two students will receive a diploma in ministry and one will receive a certificate of Christian studies. Also this evening, an honorary Doctor of Laws degree will be presented to John Irwin, a well-known name in Canadian publishing and a leader and volunteer within the Christian community since the 1980s.

May 8, 2000

Ninety-four per cent of McMaster graduates find jobs within six months

Survey results released today show that 93.9 per cent of McMaster graduates are employed within six months of graduation. The rate exceeds the provincial average of 93.1. "These results confirm what we have known for a long time. A McMaster degree provides today's students with greater opportunity for employment tomorrow. Our graduates are well prepared for the 21st century workforce and a university education remains one of the best investments we can make," says University President Peter George.

May 5, 2000

Love bug virus strikes McMaster e-mail system

The e-mail system at McMaster was shut down for about 90 minutes yesterday afternoon so that staff in Computing & Information Services could contain the love bug virus that hit e-mail systems around the globe. CIS staff quickly wrote computer script to scan all the files on mcmail and look for the virus. Robin Griffin, manager of networking services, CIS, says 10,000 files containing the virus were found and deleted.

May 4, 2000

Film brings romantic Paris to McMaster

Spring is finally here, and with its arrival comes the second presentation of the Humanities Periscope Series. On May 6, there will be a showing . . .

May 3, 2000

Two MBA students place first in stock market competitions

McMaster MBA students Rick Sidey and Issac Wong finished first in Wilfrid Laurier's National University/College Stock Market Competition, beating out 70 other teams from McMaster . . .

May 3, 2000

Staff survey teams now formulating recommendations

It has been six weeks since the staff work teams began the process of formulating recommendations that will address the concerns expressed in the 1998 . . .

May 3, 2000

Statistics Canada to locate first national research data centre at McMaster

Statistics Canada has compiled an extensive collection of data, which could provide the country with vital information required to make proper policy decisions. Self-admittedly however, the national organization has struggled to make its ever-increasing amount of resources available to researchers across the country. McMaster will play a leading role in a project aiming at changing that, as the location for the first national Research Data Centre.

May 3, 2000

Sibley award winners announced

Two part-time health sciences professors whose endeavours have made a difference to the Faculty's educational initiatives are being honoured with the John C. Sibley Award. . . .

May 3, 2000

Board approves tuition fees for 2000-01 academic year

Undergraduate tuition and supplementary fees for the 2000-01 academic year were approved by the Board of Governors at its meeting on April 27. The approved . . .

May 3, 2000

Council of Ontario Universities releases two new reports

The Council of Ontario Universities has released two reports authored by David Smith. Smith, a respected economist, is a former principal of Queen's University, and . . .

May 2, 2000

New MSU executive, president take office

This week marks the beginning of a new year for the McMaster Students Union. Joining president Marc Marzotto in office for the year are Bryce Rudyk, vice-president education; Sam Minnitti, vice-president administration; and Toby Whitfield, vice-president finance.

May 2, 2000

Government boosts support for university research

Universities in Ontario, including McMaster, will benefit from a number of new programs and initiatives announced in the 2000 budget. Finance minister Ernie Eves announced new funding for research infrastructure and overhead costs, additional funds for the Superbuild program and incentives for medical students. "This is good news for the post-secondary sector," says University provost and vice-president academic Harvey Weingarten. "We're especially pleased the government is boosting its support for university research."

May 1, 2000

United Way campaign sees turnaround

McMaster's 1999 United Way campaign has been one of the most successful ever. The total money raised has reached $162,841, just short of the campus . . .

May 1, 2000

Donation boosts multimedia program, computing centre

Neil McArthur is a man of practical thinking. Inspired by his love of science and technology, he supports engineering bursaries. So it took some persuasion . . .

May 1, 2000

Geographers awarded $2.3 million for health studies

Susan Elliott, an associate geography professor and associate director of the School of Geography & Geology, will lead a research study, on “Dissemination Research: Learnings . . .

May 1, 2000

Exhibit illuminates history of owner building in Canada

Until recently, very little had been written about owner building by Canadian workers in urban areas and almost nothing about government programs of aided self-help. . . .

April 28, 2000

Three to receive student leadership awards this spring

Three McMaster students will each receive a President's Award of Excellence in Student Leadership during their graduating ceremonies at the Spring Convocations. Arun Gupta, Sachin Aggarwal and Eric Tam were selected from among 12 candidates to be recognized for their leadership contributions during their time at the University.

April 28, 2000

Two McMaster graduates named to Top 40 Under 40 list

Two McMaster graduates have been named to the country's prestigious Top 40 Under 40 list, published in the Globe and Mail's May 2000 Report on . . .

April 27, 2000

President addresses complaints about video board

McMaster President Peter George takes full responsibility for the installation of the state-of-the-art video board, known as the "Mactron," adjacent to the Ivor Wynne Centre, as well as the controversy that has followed. In recent weeks, a number of members of the University community, including staff, faculty, and students, have lodged formal complaints about the structure. Complaints range from the appearance of commercial advertising on the board to the light pollution caused by its illumination at night. "I didn't fully understand our commitments under contracts to advertisers," said George at the April 27 meeting of the Board of Governors. "I didn't give high priority to the issue of the videotron's installation. "Quite frankly, I took (the installation) too lightly."

April 27, 2000

Popular learning tool, Learnlink, won’t be shut down

The diverse possibilities of the LearnLink computer-based academic support system has changed the way a large portion of McMaster's faculty and students interact. The system was supposed to provide a glimpse into the future of university learning. Instead, according to Carl Cuneo, a professor of sociology and co-founder of the program, an old problem - money - threatens to shut it down. Cuneo posted a notice on the system during the week of April 10 stating that, if a source of additional funding can't be found in the near future, the initiative could disappear before September. "We've come up with nothing," Cuneo says. "We're more or less at our wits' end. If we don't get financial support by the summer, we'll have to close it down." Harvey Weingarten, provost and vice-president academic, says there is no cause for concern. "The Learnlink system has grown significantly," says Weingarten. "Now, many Faculties use it. The issue we've had to grapple with is: What do you do in the case of something that was used and budgeted locally originally and is now used throughout the University?" Weingarten says the support and budgeting of Learnlink will be moved from a single department, biology, to a centralized location in the University. "This move reflects the widespread use of Learnlink throughout the University. Support for this university-wide learning technology will come from the Quality Enhancement Fund created this year."