Virtual career fair launch is today (Sept. 14)under the big tent

The Career Planning and Employment Centre today launches McMaster's first annual Virtual Career Fair (VCF)and the all new Career Links Program.
Students are invited to visit the tent located in front of the Burke Science Building for a host of exciting events with tons of free giveaways. Starting at 9:30 a.m. computer stations will be available where you can view the VCF. At 10:30 a.m. try out the Twister Game for prizes, a speaker's corner and tons of free giveaways!
Starting at 11:45 a.m. the VCF, followed by Career Links, will be launched inside the tent by a number of local dignitaries.
The Survivor Series commences at 1 p.m. Come out and cheer on your student faculty president, the MSU president or the Maroons president as they compete in a series of crazy activities that will test their ability, agility and sensibility! Be part of the tribal council that votes two people off after each event!
Employment Hour takes place at 2 p.m., where the staff will answer everything you need to know about education and career planning. Drop by for interview tips, resume critiques, On Campus Recruitment information and much more.
If you want to plan for your future, be successful, or find a full or part-time job, drop by. For more information visit Hamilton Hall 302, ext. 24253, or