posted on Sept. 20: English department welcomes writer-in-residence M.T. Kelly

The Department of English welcomes one of Canada's most versatile writers as writer-in-residence for the fall term. M.T. Kelly, novelist, short-story writer, playwright and poet, will be on campus Wednesdays and Thursdays from September to December.
Students and writers from the Hamilton area are invited to make an appointment to visit Kelly at his office in Chester New Hall (CNH-329), to discuss their current creative works and story manuscripts. Appointments may be made through the Department at ext. 24491.
Lorraine York, coordinator of the Writer-in-Residence programme, says Kelly is most approachable. “I think students will feel very comfortable bringing their work to him for consultation.”
The writings of Milton Terrence Kelly are known for their lyricism, their emphasis on landscape and weather, and for characters who are uncomfortable with each other. Born in 1946 in Toronto, Kelly has published a number of novels and works of poetry, essays, plays and television screenplays. His most recent publication is a novel about boxing entitled Save Me, Joe Louis (1998). His novel, A Dream Like Mine, won the 1987 Governor General's Award for fiction. He has also written columns for the Globe & Mail, taught creative writing at York University, and been a contributing interviewer for TVO's literary programme, Imprint.
In addition to planned events such as talks, readings and workshops, Kelly will be teaching a first-year creative writing class.