posted on Sept. 20: New honour roll established

Students who earn a perfect average of 12 on at least 30 units of study will now be formally recognized on a new honour roll.
Senate approved recommendations from Undergraduate Council to establish a new category of recognition for students
to be known as the Provost's Honour Roll.
“This is a worthy venue for acknowledging a small but distinguished group of students who have fallen between the cracks,” associate vice- president academic Fred A. Hall said of new recognition for academic achievement at the Sept. 13 Senate meeting.
Hall also presented revised terms for the Dean's Honour List, revisions which he says will enable the University to
respond quickly and efficiently, and will be more equitable to a greater number of people.
Under the current rules, students named to the Dean's Honour List (DHL) must complete a full load within an academic session in order to be eligible, a rule with excludes a significant number of students. For example, students who maintain a 24-unit, full-time status throughout their academic year will never be considered for the DHL until graduation. Under the revisions, students will be assessed when they have accumulated a minimum of 30 units of work.
Hall says the revisions should not negatively affect students undertaking co-op terms as long as they have completed
30 units and are eligible for review.