McMaster Archive

November 9, 2000

University will lease downtown Hamilton courthouse from regional council

Hamilton-Wentworth regional council has agreed to lease the old Wentworth County courthouse to the University for 10 years. The University plans to use the former courthouse in downtown Hamilton to alleviate a space shortage on campus. Harvey Weingarten, provost and vice-president academic, said no decision has been made about which employees will move to the old courthouse but the University will examine who can most benefit from being downtown. The University won't pay any rent for the building, but will pay for all operating costs. Regional council also wants the University to pay $113,500 a year for capital improvements to the five-storey building. (Source: Hamilton Spectator, Nov. 9/00)

November 9, 2000

posted on Nov. 9: Canadian men’s soccer championship begins today at McMaster

The final six teams in the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union's men's soccer competition are at McMaster to compete for the 29th CIAU Men's Soccer Championship. . . .

November 9, 2000

posted on Nov. 10: Morning service marks Remembrance Day on campus

University staff, students, faculty and neighbours are invited to attend a Remembrance Day service Saturday morning (Nov. 11), beginning at 10:45 p.m. Chancellor Mel Hawkrigg, . . .

November 9, 2000

posted on Nov. 10: Distinguished Alumni Award Winners: Eric Hoskins and William Shaw

These awards are made to McMaster alumni who have distinguished themselves through outstanding scholarship, research, creative contributions to the arts or sciences, or service to . . .

November 8, 2000

posted on Nov. 8: English PhD student to receive Governor General’s Gold Medal

The recipient of this year's Governor General's Gold Medal, to be awarded at Convocation on Friday, Nov. 10, is a gifted writer, researcher and doctoral student who has consistently achieved outstanding academic results. In 1995 Sarah Brophy graduated (Hon. BA) with distinction from Wilfrid Laurier University, having earned 15 A+ grades. She also earned A+ grades in her MA studies at McMaster. She continued her PhD studies at McMaster, completing her English program this year with A+ grades in all three of her doctoral courses.

November 8, 2000

posted on Nov. 8: Thirty-five schools on hand at post-undergraduate education fair

Students searching for that second degree will converge today at Education Xtravaganza, the first ever post-undergraduate education fair. Organizers hope “a couple thousand” students will . . .

November 8, 2000

posted on Nov. 8: John Eyles will receive University Professor title at Convocation

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”John Eyles”]Whether it's an inquiry into the future demands for hospital facilities,the social implications of industrial change, or the barriers to cross-sectoral . . .

November 8, 2000

posted on Nov. 9: New bedel is familiar with distinguished role

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Bedel Ross Judd”]Although he makes his first appearance as the bedel on Friday, Nov. 10, Ross Judd has had considerable experience leading . . .

November 7, 2000

Art student interns with photographer Annie Leibovitz

Increasing numbers of humanities students are gaining interesting experience outside the classroom, while getting credit towards their degrees by taking applied humanities courses. Recent courses have seen students working on editorial projects, interactive Web pages and the development of a film series. But the project that makes everyone prick up their ears, is that of art student Ruth Silver, who spent three months this summer as an intern in the New York studio of photographer Annie Leibovitz. The chance to gain an insider's view of the glamorous world of Annie and her celebrity models (Bono, Bjvrk, Faith Hill, Keith Richards, and Kate Hudson all posed for snaps during Ruth's stint at the studio) was an amazing experience, and not one that will soon be forgotten.

November 7, 2000

posted on Nov. 7: Final design plans under way for new e-commerce wing

[img_inline align=”right” src=””]Final design and tendering plans for a $3.4 million e-commerce wing to be constructed on the southwest corner of the Michael G. DeGroote . . .

November 2, 2000

posted on Nov. 2: Multimedia wing construction delayed

[img_inline align=”right” src=””]Construction of the new $800,000 multimedia wing is delayed about two weeks because the structural steel hasn't arrived. Last month the wooden fencing . . .

November 2, 2000

posted on Nov. 2: Polanyi Prize winner accepts award today

McMaster's newest Polanyi Prize winner is in Toronto today to accept an award that bolsters his commitment to continue research in a Canadian academic environment. Imre Szeman, an assistant professor of English and cultural studies, is the recipient of the 2000 John Charles Polanyi Prize for Literature. Each year the Polanyi Prizes, worth $15,000 each, can be awarded in the fields of literature, chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine and economics to scholars and researchers planning to continue postdoctoral studies at an Ontario university. "I'm very happy to have won it," said Szeman, 32, who is in his second year of teaching at the University. "It's amazing that it exists and provides some encouragement to stay in the Canadian university system."

November 2, 2000

posted on Nov. 2: MBA graduates earn good return on investment

Successfully completing a McMaster MBA program can increase a business graduate's salary by 183 per cent, the highest percentage of any MBA program in Canada. . . .

November 1, 2000

posted on Nov. 1: Platt named special adviser on academic computing

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”John Platt”]Psychology professor John Platt has been appointed special adviser to the provost for academic computing. As a special adviser, Platt's mandate . . .

November 1, 2000

posted on Nov. 1: Maroon members suit up for Halloween

[img_inline align=”right” src=””]The McMaster Maroons, the University's student spirit group, patrolled the streets of Westdale last night (Oct. 31) to ensure Halloween was safe and . . .

October 31, 2000

posted on Nov. 1: McMaster research team will receive $25 million for diabetes study

Diabetes research will receive a $25-million boost today with an announcement at McMaster of funding for an international clinical trial in the prevention of the disease. The research study will be headed by McMaster University researchers Hertzel Gerstein, associate professor of medicine and director, division of endocrinology and metabolism, and Salim Yusuf, professor of medicine, director, division of cardiology and director, Population Health Institute.

October 30, 2000

posted on Oct. 30: Football team clinches first place in season play

The McMaster Marauder football team capped off its best season in 16 years with a 39-3 defeat over York University at Les Prince Field on Saturday, Oct. 28. The win clinched first place and home field advantage throughout the OUA playoffs for the Marauders. McMaster hasn't finished in first place since 1984. Kojo Aidoo and Ryan Janzen finished out the 2000 season in style setting new OUA and CIAU records. Senior wide receiver Ryan Janzen set a new CIAU and OUA record for the most yards receiving in a career with his 205 yards receiving against the Yeomen. Janzen's career total of 3,187 yards surpassed the previous record of 3,126 set by Laurier's Stefan Ptaszek (1990-1994). Janzen also set a new OUA record for the most yards receiving in a season with his 2000 total of 1,034 yards. Ptaszek held the old record of 916.

October 30, 2000

posted on Oct. 30: McMaster University to receive major research boost

McMASTER UNIVERSITY TO RECEIVE MAJOR RESEARCH BOOST Cures for Breast and Prostate Cancer Top Research List Hamilton, Ontario – A $17.8 million investment by the . . .

October 30, 2000

posted on Oct. 30: Wilson announces $21-million research investment at McMaster

Energy, science and technology minister Jim Wilson was on campus this morning to announce a $21-million research investment at McMaster.

October 27, 2000

posted on Oct. 27: Symposium brings youth, medical community together

[img_inline align=”right” src=””]Approximately 250 secondary school students from the Hamilton-Wentworth, Brant, Halton, Waterloo, and Niagara regions are in Hamilton today to attend a one-day Canadian . . .