November 2, 2000
posted on Nov. 2: MBA graduates earn good return on investmentSuccessfully completing a McMaster MBA program can increase a business graduate's salary by 183 per cent, the highest percentage of any MBA program in Canada. . . .
November 1, 2000
posted on Nov. 1: Platt named special adviser on academic computing[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”John Platt”]Psychology professor John Platt has been appointed special adviser to the provost for academic computing. As a special adviser, Platt's mandate . . .
November 1, 2000
posted on Nov. 1: Maroon members suit up for Halloween[img_inline align=”right” src=””]The McMaster Maroons, the University's student spirit group, patrolled the streets of Westdale last night (Oct. 31) to ensure Halloween was safe and . . .
October 31, 2000
posted on Nov. 1: McMaster research team will receive $25 million for diabetes studyDiabetes research will receive a $25-million boost today with an announcement at McMaster of funding for an international clinical trial in the prevention of the disease. The research study will be headed by McMaster University researchers Hertzel Gerstein, associate professor of medicine and director, division of endocrinology and metabolism, and Salim Yusuf, professor of medicine, director, division of cardiology and director, Population Health Institute.
October 30, 2000
posted on Oct. 30: Football team clinches first place in season playThe McMaster Marauder football team capped off its best season in 16 years with a 39-3 defeat over York University at Les Prince Field on Saturday, Oct. 28. The win clinched first place and home field advantage throughout the OUA playoffs for the Marauders. McMaster hasn't finished in first place since 1984. Kojo Aidoo and Ryan Janzen finished out the 2000 season in style setting new OUA and CIAU records. Senior wide receiver Ryan Janzen set a new CIAU and OUA record for the most yards receiving in a career with his 205 yards receiving against the Yeomen. Janzen's career total of 3,187 yards surpassed the previous record of 3,126 set by Laurier's Stefan Ptaszek (1990-1994). Janzen also set a new OUA record for the most yards receiving in a season with his 2000 total of 1,034 yards. Ptaszek held the old record of 916.
October 30, 2000
posted on Oct. 30: McMaster University to receive major research boostMcMASTER UNIVERSITY TO RECEIVE MAJOR RESEARCH BOOST Cures for Breast and Prostate Cancer Top Research List Hamilton, Ontario – A $17.8 million investment by the . . .
October 30, 2000
posted on Oct. 30: Wilson announces $21-million research investment at McMasterEnergy, science and technology minister Jim Wilson was on campus this morning to announce a $21-million research investment at McMaster.
October 27, 2000
posted on Oct. 27: Symposium brings youth, medical community together[img_inline align=”right” src=””]Approximately 250 secondary school students from the Hamilton-Wentworth, Brant, Halton, Waterloo, and Niagara regions are in Hamilton today to attend a one-day Canadian . . .
October 27, 2000
posted on Oct. 27: Health Sciences celebrates excellence todayMore than 400 health professionals are gathering at the Faculty of Health Sciences today for a Celebration of Excellence. Participants will hear presentations from some of the Faculty's finest scientists, showcasing the strength and depth of scientific talent at McMaster. Lectures will be held in HSC-1A1 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To view the list of presenters, click below.
October 26, 2000
posted on Oct. 26: Researchers discover four additional moons around SaturnSaturn re-takes the lead as the planet with the most-known satellites following the discovery of at least four additional moons. The announcement was made today in Pasadena, California at a meeting of the Division for Planetary Science of the American Astronomical Society. The discoveries were made by an international team of astronomers: Brett Gladman (an expatriate Canadian), Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur; JJ Kavelaars, McMaster University, Canada; Matthew Holman and Brian Marsden, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; and Phil Nicholson and Joeseph A. Burns of Cornell University. McMaster researcher JJ Kavelaars says, "The newly discovered irregular moons are small, about 10 to 50 kilometres across, in line with the size of other irregular moons. They are likely icy moons, the remnants of a long-ago capture event." Observed from Earth, these moons appear as faint dots of light moving around Saturn. Two of the moons were discovered using the European Southern Observatory's 2.2-meter telescope and the other two were discovered using the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope. (Telescope images are available at Photo above of Saturn's known satellites from Web site mentioned above
October 26, 2000
posted on Oct. 26: Security aims radar at speedy driversCampus security is using radar in a bid to slow down speedy drivers. Since Oct. 1, about 60 tickets and 60 warnings have been issued to drivers who exceed posted speed limits, said John Abraham, manager of parking & transit services. "Speed on campus is getting unwieldy," he said. "People are in too much of a hurry." The hill on Westaway Road leading into parking Zones 6 and 7 is a particular hot spot.
October 26, 2000
posted on Oct. 27: More residence spaces reserved for first-year studentsMore first-year students will be living in McMaster's 10 residences next year. On Oct. 11, Senators approved a recommendation from the Senate Committee on Student . . .
October 26, 2000
posted on Oct. 26: New sprinkler system to be installed in Health Sciences CentreA new sprinkler system will be installed and fire alarms replaced in the Health Sciences Centre. Design work and the tendering process have started after the Board of Governors approved the project at its Oct. 19 meeting. The total cost of the work is $9 million, with the University's share amounting to an estimated $3.7 million.
October 25, 2000
posted on Oct. 25: Teaching awards nominations go high-techKnow a prof who deserves a teaching award this year? You can now nominate that prof for an award with the simple click of a button. The McMaster Teaching Awards Committee (TAC) and the McMaster Students Union Web page editor have brought the teaching award nominations on line. Just click here to nominate your prof for an award. Nominations are being accepted all this week. McMaster students can put forward the names of deserving professors for one of the following: Faculty-specific awards, merit awards, lifetime achievement award.
October 25, 2000
posted on Oct. 25: E.T. Clarke Centre upgrade plans under way[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”E.T. Clarke building”]The design and tendering process for two upgrade projects totalling $11 million at the central utilities plant in the E. . . .
October 25, 2000
posted on Oct. 25: Microsoft brings its technology to campus“TechTalk,” a Microsoft-sponsored forum held at McMaster on Friday, Sept. 29, attracted over 300 students eager to learn about the company's recruitment process for summer . . .
October 25, 2000
posted on Oct. 25: Ovide Mercredi to speak about residential schoolsOvide Mercredi will give a talk titled “Residential Schools: Injustice, Reconciliation, Restitution and Justice” on Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. in HSC-1A1. Sponsored by the . . .
October 24, 2000
New MSU Rhodes club boasts 1,000 membersA new campus club dedicated to upholding the academic, physical and moral beliefs espoused by Cecil J. Rhodes has blossomed to 1,000 members. MSU Rhodes is a club geared to encourage students to excel in their academic and physical pursuits as well as develop a strong commitment to volunteerism and helping others. Club president David Nagel, a Level IV Faculty of Science student, says the club evolved from discussions with friends. "We wanted to improve student life," he says, "and we wanted to help people prepare for their post-grad life and future careers." Nagel says the founding group admired Cecil J. Rhodes (a British financier and Oxford graduate who made his fortune from the diamond mines in South Africa and left most of it for the establishment of the Rhodes Scholarships)and decided a club based on Rhodes' guiding principles would be an asset to campus life at McMaster.
October 24, 2000
posted on Oct. 24: Redman lecturer enthralls audienceRedman lecturer Brian Greene drew large crowds to McMaster last week for two lectures he gave on Oct. 18 and 19. Redman lecture committee chair . . .
October 23, 2000
posted on Oct. 23: McMaster faculty promote peace in war-torn country through grantAmong professor Graeme MacQueen's memories, one stands out. It was 1995 and he was in Herat, a province in the west of Afghanistan, talking to . . .