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November 5, 2015

Lens Above Lens: Aerial Photography in World War I, Nov. 7

When we think of the First World War, images of life in the trenches and warfare conducted in the mud of Vimy or at the Somme . . .

November 5, 2015

Mosaic unavailable Nov 6-9 during upgrade

All Mosaic functions will be unavailable beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday, November 6 until 8 a.m. on Monday, November 9. The closure will allow . . .

November 4, 2015

Librarian collective bargaining

The University is currently in collective bargaining with the McMaster University Academic Libraries Association (MUALA).  Negotiations began in the summer and a provincial conciliator has . . .

November 3, 2015

MacPride Week events schedule

The Queer Students Community Centre (QSCC) is a service of the McMaster Students Union (MSU) that provides a contact point for McMaster students who identify . . .

November 2, 2015

Career week

Beginning on November  2nd, McMaster’s Employee Career Services will highlight Canada Career Week, which runs from November 2nd to November 6th.    

November 1, 2015

Flags at half-mast in memory of Jeffrey Harris

Campus flags are at half-mast in memory of Jeffrey Harris. Jeffrey passed away Oct. 31, 2015. Jeffrey was a fourth-year McMaster student in the Communication Studies and Geography . . .

October 30, 2015

Series 10dB will feature mezzo vocalist Margaret “Bo” Bardos

The second concert in Series 10dB at the LIVELab will feature mezzo vocalist Margaret “Bo” Bardos on Thursday, Nov. 5. Hungarian-born Bo Bardos is comfortable in a . . .

October 30, 2015

Staff: Get a free ticket to Wednesday’s basketball home opener

Who: McMaster Employees What: McMaster Basketball 2015 Home Opener  When: November 4th, 6:00 pm & 8:00 pm  Where: Burridge Gymnasium  How: Present the attached basketball . . .

October 28, 2015

Vote for your favourite new building

Vote now for your preferred new Hamilton building in the city’s 2015 Urban Design and Architectural Awards. McMaster University construction projects that have been nominated . . .

October 27, 2015

Divestment advisory group to be formed

The University has been presented with petitions from faculty and students requesting that over the next five years, McMaster divest its endowment funds from fossil . . .

October 26, 2015

New Employees Invited to Attend Orientation, November 24

New employees are invited to join fellow new employees for an interactive, engaging day of learning about McMaster University.  Space is available in the November . . .

October 26, 2015

McMaster Children’s Party will take place Nov. 28

The McMaster Children’s Party Committee, in partnership with Human Resources Services, is pleased to announce that the 20th annual McMaster Children’s Party will take place . . .

October 26, 2015

Quiet Late Night Study @ Innis: Starting Oct. 19

Can’t study in the Mills Learning Commons at night because it’s just too loud? Too much going on there? Hard to focus? Try the new Quiet . . .

October 25, 2015

“Sinful Sally” scholar to be featured on CBC’s Tapestry

What can “Sinful Sally” teach us about moral attitudes in the 18th century? Jessica Steinberg, The 2015 recipient of the McMaster-ASECS fellowship will explore this . . .

October 23, 2015

Intersections of Exclusion: The Institutional Dynamics of Combined Gender and Ethnic Quota Systems

Research in Progress Seminar (RIPS) Hosted by the Department of Political Science Presents Dr. Karen Bird Associate Professor Political Science, McMaster University Tuesday, October 27, . . .

October 21, 2015

Celebrating 50 Years of Jewish-Christian Relations: Oct. 25

Join McMaster University Library and the Department of Religious Studies for What our Grandparents Couldn’t Have Imagined: 50 Years of Jewish-Christian Relations, an afternoon of . . .

October 20, 2015

Closure of Sterling Street entrance

The Sterling Street entrance is closed to non-emergency vehicular traffic through Friday, October 23 to allow for work on the new liberal arts building. Vehicles . . .

October 20, 2015

Fall Peace Institute, Oct. 24-26: Register Now

McMaster’s Perspectives on Peace initiative aims to foster creative dialogues around global issues with an emphasis on peace and conflict resolution. From October 24-26, 2015 McMaster . . .

October 19, 2015

Political Science’s Election Analysis Panel

The Department of Political Science is hosting a post-election panel discussion Oct. 21 from 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. in BSB B136. It will feature Dr. Karen . . .

October 18, 2015

Police investigation into online threat unsubstantiated

On Saturday October 17, 2015, just before 1:00pm, the Hamilton Police Service received information about a possible threat made towards campus safety at McMaster University . . .