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November 30, 2015

Student group raises money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

The woman’s rugby team may hold CIS gold, but this weekend they proved themselves champions for another reason. Members of the team spent their Saturday . . .

November 26, 2015

Retirement Planning: Helping You Sail Successfully into the Future

Retirement Planning: Helping You Sail Successfully into the Future Register here January 21, April 5 or June 7 | 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. | . . .

November 26, 2015

Panel discussion: The Syrian Conflict and International Violence

The Syrian Conflict and International Violence: A Panel Discussion How should Canada respond to the ongoing conflict in Syria and elsewhere? When does refugee policy . . .

November 24, 2015

Register now for the Research on Teaching and Learning: Cultivating Communities conference

On December 9 & 10, 2015, the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (MIIETL) will host the Research on Teaching and . . .

November 24, 2015

McMaster CCE Winter/Spring 2016 Course Catalogue is Now Available

The McMaster University Centre for Continuing Education Winter/Spring 2016 catalogue features more than 100 classes, many of which are available online. Enrolment for winter courses . . .

November 24, 2015

Free public lecture: The life and death of hitchBOT

Join McMaster’s own David Harris Smith to hear more about the life and death of hitchBOT, the hitchhiking robot. Smith, an assistant professor in the Department of . . .

November 19, 2015

Tickets for CIS Men’s Volleyball Championship now on sale

Tickets are now on sale for the 2016 CIS Men’s Volleyball Championship, to be hosted at McMaster March 10-12, 2016. Marauders fans can take advantage . . .

November 19, 2015

Library Toy & Food Drive Nov. 23-Dec. 18

The Libraries’ 39th annual Frances McCrone Toy & Food Drive will be held Nov. 23—Dec. 18, in support of the Salvation Army’s Christmas Toy Bureau. . . .

November 17, 2015

Phishing attack targets MAC ID holders

To all holders of a MAC ID: Over the past week McMaster has been the target of a highly sophisticated phishing attack attempting to gather . . .

November 14, 2015

University, Librarians reach tentative agreement

The University and the McMaster University Academic Librarians Association (MUALA) have reached a tentative contract agreement. MUALA represents 24 academic librarians at McMaster. The tentative . . .

November 13, 2015

Grad Student Info Session – Finding your Funding in Mosaic

Grad students – join us for an information session about payments in Mosaic and how it fits together with your offer of admission and award letters, . . .

November 13, 2015

Campus Store sales support Athletics and Recreation

On Wednesday, November 11th, Campus Store Director Donna Shapiro handed a cheque for over $36,000 to McMaster’s Athletics and Recreation department. This is part of . . .

November 13, 2015

McMaster opts out of Access Copyright license

McMaster University is one of several Canadian universities ending its licence agreement with Access Copyright, a copyright collective that provides licences to make copies from . . .

November 13, 2015

Explore the 148 funded FWI projects on new, expanded website

The McMaster community can now learn more about the 148 projects that have received Forward with Integrity funding since 2012. Using a new searchable database, . . .

November 13, 2015

MSc Global Health receives award for Outstanding International Education Program

McMaster University’s Master of Science in Global Health program will receive the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) Panorama Award for Outstanding International Education Program, . . .

November 13, 2015

Campus Store sports a Mac’stache in support of Movember

The hairiest month of the year is finally here and the Campus Store has created a custom McMaster Movember t-shirt. The t-shirt features the Marauders . . .

November 12, 2015

Peaces of McMaster Art Exhibit

The McMaster community is invited to the Fitzhenry Gallery Thursday night for the launch of the Peaces of McMaster Art Exhibit, taking place from 5 . . .

November 11, 2015

McMaster’s Remembrance Day service

McMaster’s annual Remembrance Day service will be held Nov. 11 at 10:45 a.m. The ceremony will take place in Convocation Hall (University Hall Room 213). . . .

November 10, 2015

Flags at half-mast in memory of Daniela Austin

The flags are at half-mast in memory of Daniela Austin Daniela passed away on November 3, 2015. Daniela was a third year McMaster University student . . .

November 6, 2015

Thinking about graduate studies in the Faculty of Engineering?

Meet and mingle with our professors and grad students over a coffee, tea and snacks. Explore opportunities for graduate research, advanced studies, and engineering leadership. . . .