March 17, 2016
Perspectives on Peace: Peace and PoliticsPresented by Dr. Todd Alway, Dr. Greg Flynn, Samantha Jackson, and Sarah Shoker Thursday, March 24, starting at 1:30 pm – 2:20 pm in TSH . . .
March 16, 2016
Parking transponder exchange programParking Services is committed to providing consistent, dependable access to parking in the most efficient manner for our customers. A number of parking permit holders . . .
March 14, 2016
Devil’s Tongue in bloom at Biology GreenhouseOne of the world’s smelliest plants is now in bloom on campus. The Devil’s Tongue, also known as the Voodoo Lily, can be viewed – . . .
March 14, 2016
Experts talk Islam at last week’s panel discussionFear – not hatred – is what drives Islamophobia. That was Ellen Amster’s message last week at a special panel discussion on Islam in North . . .
March 14, 2016
McMaster’s plan for a safe St. Patrick’s DayMcMaster and Hamilton Police Service have developed a plan to ensure a safe St. Patrick’s Day. The Hamilton Police Action Team will be in the . . .
March 11, 2016
Progressing Gender Equality: March 23 lectureThe next lecture in a series presented by Academic Women’s Success and Mentorship (AWSM). Tickets and information available here:
March 10, 2016
Register for Red Cross First Aid coursesRegister now for the Spring 2016 Red Cross First Aid Courses offered through the Department of Athletics and Recreation, spaces are becoming limited. Weekday courses . . .
March 9, 2016
Participate in Campus Store survey and get entered into a prize drawThe Campus Store would like to invite all members of the McMaster Community to participate in our Customer Satisfaction Survey. The Campus Store uses this . . .
March 8, 2016
Poli Sci prof wins OCUFA Award of DistinctionMichelle Dion, an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at McMaster University has won the 2015 Status of Women Award of Distinction, presented . . .
March 8, 2016
McMaster Health Forum launches revamped Health Systems EvidenceImprovements to provide health policymakers and stakeholders with better access to research evidence Health Systems Evidence (HSE) has recently improved its ability to support policymakers, stakeholders . . .
March 7, 2016
The Social Sciences Faculty ShowcaseAcademic advisors, students, and profs from EVERY program will be on hand in CIBC Hall on Thursday, March 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. . . .
March 4, 2016
Humanities majors fair March 8March 4, 2016
Call for additional nominations: Faculty Senate electionsThe University Secretariat is accepting additional nominations for Faculty Elections to Senate, Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council and other bodies in the Faculties of Business, Engineering, . . .
March 4, 2016
Student elections to Board of GovernorsElections will be held on March 15-16, 2016 to fill undergraduate and graduate student vacancies on the Board of Governors. The elections will be conducted . . .
March 2, 2016
Protect yourself against phishing attacksWe have already received numerous reports of income tax and Canada Revenue Agency themed phishing attacks on campus. These messages usually promise recipients a quick . . .
March 1, 2016
State of the AcademySTATE OF THE ACADEMY Wednesday, March 2, 2016 3:30 – 5:30 pm Convocation Hall The State of the Academy is the annual report of the . . .
February 29, 2016
New Associate Director, Indigenous Services appointedMcMaster’s Student Affairs department is pleased to announce that James Knibb-Lamouche has accepted the role of Associate Director, Indigenous Services. James arrives at McMaster with over . . .
February 29, 2016
Get ready for tax seasonA guide to McMaster tax slips T4, T2202A, T4As, and T4A-NRs Where do I find my tax slips? Is a common question from both students . . .
February 23, 2016
Fair Dealing Week at McMasterIt’s a new year at McMaster and a new year for copyright at McMaster. Towards the end of 2015, McMaster became the most recent Canadian . . .
February 22, 2016
McMaster employees needed for research study1. Are you a McMaster employee? 2. Are you caring for an adult family member or friend who is elderly, disabled, or chronically ill? Please . . .