Free 5-day Summer School on High Performance Computing

Are you a student or researcher engaged in computationally intensive research? If you’re looking to upgrade your high performance computing skills, make sure you register for one of Ontario’s most important High Performance Computing (HPC) training events – the HPC Summer School. This unique opportunity features a five-day (May 30-June3), two-stream school, organized and run by SHARCNET and Compute Ontario with support from the Research and High Performance Computing group and the Office of the VP Research at McMaster. Registration is FREE, but you only have until May 20 to register and space is limited.

Attendees will learn how to program distributed memory systems (clusters), shared memory multicore systems and GPUs. The HPC Summer School will also cover common programming languages (including Python and Matlab/Octave) and software packages pertaining to specific research domains. The Summer School instructors are HPC experts from different Ontario universities.

You do not need to have a SHARCNET account (though it would be beneficial to you) to participate in the school. The registration link along with many other details (including the description of all the courses, location and times) can be found on the summer school’s web site.

McMaster is also running a Software Carpentry event in conjunction with the Summer School. This two-day session will teach basic lab skills for scientific computing, and will cover topics of a more introductory nature (including basics of Unix shell and version control) which are normally not covered by our Summer Schools. This workshop will take place on May 24-25 at McMaster University. To register, follow this link. If you have any questions about these events please send an email to