McMaster Archive

May 26, 2000

McMaster hosts primary care research forum on May 27

World-renowned primary care researcher Dave Davis, professor, family and community medicine, and health administration, University of Toronto, will explore the failure of clinical practice guidelines . . .

May 25, 2000

Exhibition of Edward Burtynsky photographs

Society's imprint on the natural world has been a consistent theme in Ed Burtynsky's art. Whether mine tailings, quarries, tire piles or the most recent . . .

May 25, 2000

Proposal developed to address concerns about Mactron

The President's Advisory Committee on Community Relations held its annual community meeting last night (May 24) at St. Mary's High School and President Peter George took the opportunity to discuss the proposal he will be sending forward to the University's Board of Governors with regard to the ongoing operation of the Mactron, the University's new video message centre and scoreboard. "I recognize that this has been a source of irritation to many people on and off campus," said President George. "It has also been difficult to tell people what we have been doing because we have contractual obligations that we have needed to sort through. However, we believe we now have the agreement of both parties, we have consulted the major stakeholders, and we believe we will soon be in a position to take a formal proposal to the Planning and Building Committee of the Board of Governors about the Mactron."

May 24, 2000

McGill University receives landmark gift from Richard Tomlinson

An extraordinarily generous gift to McGill University by one of its graduates, Canadian scientist and businessman Richard H. Tomlinson, is the largest-ever single donation to the university and probably the largest in the history of Canadian higher education. "We are dazzled not only by the size of the gift but also by its scope and imagination, which will benefit a host of University priorities," declared Principal Bernard Shapiro, in announcing the gift of more than $60 million today. Tomlinson is a professor emeritus of chemistry at McMaster. To view the full release on the McGill University Web site, click here

May 19, 2000

Changes to purchasing procedures aimed at simplifying processes for employees

Employees who purchase everything from pens to lab equipment for the University will benefit from several new changes in the procedures for buying and paying for goods and services. A committee comprised of representatives from across campus spent a year reviewing the purchasing procedures on campus and came up with a number of suggestions aimed at improving and simplifying the process for buying and paying for goods, as well as empowering employees who are making purchasing decisions.

May 18, 2000

Hamilton hospital launches unprecedented doctor recruitment campaign

May 17, 2000-Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation in partnership with McMaster University is immediately launching an unprecedented recruitment campaign to address critical shortages of physicians across all specialty areas within the organization. HHSC is prepared to aggressively seek out the best physicians to join its top-notch health care team. National shortages of physician specialists, attrition, and uncertainty over the future of HHSC's three acute care hospital sites, have all contributed to the critical shortage of health care specialists in Hamilton. Ultimately. HHSC hopes to fill more than 85 physician vacancies.

May 18, 2000

Gift will enhance McMaster research into brain injuries

Children who have sustained a brain injury will benefit from a donation made to McMaster's CanChild, the Centre for Childhood Disability Research. The Economical Insurance Group dedicated $25,000 to CanChild's Effective Rehabilitation for Children and Youth with Brain Injury program on May 11. "This generous donation will allow CanChild to focus specifically on researching and disseminating research on brain injuries," said Mary Law. "It is also interesting to note that this pledge came from an insurance company. It demonstrates they are dedicated to developing the best care and treatment for their clients."

May 16, 2000

Notice of death: Sandro Alberico

A tragic car accident Friday evening (May 12) claimed the life of McMaster student Sandro Alberico. The 22-year-old had completed his third year of the . . .

May 15, 2000

McMaster researchers will benefit from new synchrotron facility in Saskatchewan

Due to efforts by McMaster, along with other Ontario universities, a state-of-the-art research facility is to receive funding from the province. The provincial government has announced it will invest $9.4 million over three years in a Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron. The facility, currently under construction at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, will take four years to complete and cost a total of $173.5 million. Adam Hitchcock, senior scientific consultant with CLS and professor of chemistry at McMaster, is pleased with the provincial government's participation. "The CLS is a major investment in the science and technology field. The facility will be used by researchers in a variety of disciplines for 30 years to come," he says. Hitchcock predicts that the Canadian-owned and operated facility will have a positive impact on research in this country.

May 15, 2000

McMaster celebrates Health and Safety Week

McMaster University joins business and industry in celebrating North American Health and Safety Week. In Canada, institutions such as the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering promote activities that recognize the importance of safety and health in the workplace. McMaster's Department of Risk Management Services is sponsoring technical seminars on Tuesday and Thursday and a barbecue in the Quad to recognize nearly 100 members of the McMaster community who serve on joint Health and Safety Committee. For further information, and for a calendar of activities, see the risk management Web site at or call the office at ext. 24352

May 13, 2000

Faculty of Engineering Applause and Accolades awards

McMaster University Faculty of Engineering Leadership Award John Mayberry, former CEO & President, Dofasco Premier's Research Excellence Award's Mohamed Bakr, Electrical & Computer Engineering Premier's . . .

May 12, 2000

Friesen, Uchida will be honoured this afternoon at health sciences Convocation

The Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University will hold its annual Spring convocation ceremony this afternoon (Friday, May 12 at 2:30 p.m.) at Hamilton Place. Joining the 250 graduands are honorary Doctor of Science degree recipients Henry G. Friesen, an internationally known medical scientist and educator, and Irene Uchida, who has gained international recognition during her distinguished career for her work in the field of genetics. Friesen will give the Convocation address.

May 12, 2000

Conference set to explore religion in Northrop Frye’s writing

The thoughts and ideas of Northrop Frye have been scrutinized and celebrated by scholars throughout the world. But, until now, an important element of the late Canadian literary and cultural critic's work has been overlooked. The Departments of English and the Religious Studies are hosting an international conference to explore the religious contexts of Frye's thinking on May 17-19, entitled "Frye and The Word."

May 12, 2000

New Web site helps students find housing off campus

An interactive Web site and database listing of housing opportunities for off-campus living is up and running, just in time to accommodate inquiries from students who plan to attend McMaster in the fall. Jennifer MacLennan, in-coming off-campus co-ordinator, explains that the site will provide students with up-to-date information and detailed listings of off campus accommodations.

May 11, 2000

Canadian research study finds minimal benefit from high tech pacemaker

[img_inline align=”left” src=”” caption=”Stuart Connolly/R.Scheffler photo”]May 11- 2000-Canadian cardiologists today reported the results of a major study which found that a more expensive dual-chamber type . . .

May 11, 2000

Popular calculus professor wins coveted teaching award

Mathematics & statistics professor, Miroslav Lovric, is a recipient of this year's OCUFA Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards. Deborah Flynn, president of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, announced the recipients of the annual award on May 9. "These are the men and women who both inspire and inform their students. The recipients of the teaching awards go that extra mile to ensure that their students receive the very best in course development, instruction and research."

May 10, 2000

McMaster expects 96 new research chairs over the next five years

McMaster's plan for faculty renewal got a marvellous boost this month thanks to a magic number, 96. The figure represents the number of research chairs McMaster will receive under the newly established Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program. McMaster is expected to receive the second highest allocation of chairs among universities in Ontario. This is a significant boost and I'm sure it will lead to a significant strengthening of our faculty complement, says University President Peter George, adding the CRC program is one way in which the federal government is able to make a direct impact on faculty renewal.

May 10, 2000

Physical plant adds new trees, sprinkler system to campus grounds

If the campus is looking more green and lush this spring, it's no accident. Physical plant has been busy planting trees and supervising the installation . . .

May 10, 2000

Athletes code of conduct approved

The Department of Athletics & Recreation, as well as the University's Senate, has sent a clear message to the school's student-athletes that they shouldn't just . . .

May 9, 2000

Student exhibition spotlights diverse and unique works

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Lisa by Elisabeth Monsterjhelm”]”Alternating Currents” is the title of this year's exhibition of the work of 21 artists/students graduating from the Studio . . .