posted on Sept. 25: Faculty, staff, retirees invited to Community Campaign barbecue

They aren't promising candy apples and cotton candy, but organizers of this year's annual Faculty, Staff, and Retiree Community Campaign are promising one terrific barbecue under the big top tent complete with prizes.
The annual lunch-hour barbecue is held every September to mark the beginning of the campaign to raise awareness and participation among faculty, staff, and retirees in University fundraising. This year's fundraising efforts, like last year, are part of the $100-million fundraising campaign currently under way at McMaster.
“Through our community campaign, which is focused on the internal McMaster community of faculty, staff, retirees and community leaders such as our Board members, we have surpassed the $2-million donation mark since the quiet phase of the Changing Tomorrow Today (CTT) Campaign began,” remarks Lorna Somers, campaign director. “They are results we should be extremely proud of.”
The goal of this year's annual fund campaign is to increase participation among faculty and staff, which last year stood at about 30 per cent. Retirees of the University community are included in the initiative.
Donors may indicate where they wish their funding to go — including back to their own Faculty, explains Somers.
“The needs of the University are many and constantly evolving as new opportunities arise,” says Somers. “This is one way that people can help to make a difference. The CTT has been tremendously successful due to the support and leadership that has been shown both here at home and within the broader community by hundreds of donors and supporters who have made donations to McMaster. We hope that
faculty and staff will continue to show their commitment and dedication to McMaster in the same way.”
In 1999, 918 faculty, staff and retirees made donations to the University, for a total contribution of $643,000 in gifts and pledges.
The tent will be set up in front of the John Hodgins Engineering building on Thursday, Sept. 28. Lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.