posted on Feb. 16: McMaster takes home United Way community award

McMaster University is the first educational organization in the region to receive the United Way's Gallery of Distinction Award.
The award is presented annually by the United Way of Burlington, Hamilton-Wentworth to an organization that has demonstrated long-term support for the United Way.
Since the launch of its first campus campaign for the United Way in 1983, McMaster has contributed $2.3 million to the United Way.
The award comes during a milestone year for the University's United Way campaign. For the first time since 1995, the University met and exceeded its campaign goal of $165,000. To date, a total of $171,000 has been raised.
“This honour goes to all McMaster employees for their demonstrated leadership and commitment to our community through their support of the United Way,” says Tina Horton, co-chair of the University's 2000 United Way campaign.
The Gallery award was presented to several McMaster employees who attended the awards night held in January. University President Peter George was the keynote speaker.