December 14, 2012
Latest round of voting for ‘People of Impact’The McMaster Alumni Association is currently collecting votes to determine the greatest and most profound figures in University history. Voting in the 125 People of . . .
December 13, 2012
Apply now for MacServe GlobalLooking for a summer travel experience? Applications for the 2013 edition of MacServe Global are currently being accepted. Organizers are searching for up to 20 . . .
December 11, 2012
McMaster loses oldest alumnusMcMaster’s Alumni Association is mourning the loss of the University’s oldest alumnus. Reginald Whidden, a two-time graduate of the University, has died at the age . . .
December 10, 2012
Holiday open housesSenior management will host two holiday open houses this month. The first will be held Dec. 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the . . .
December 10, 2012
Toy Drive for 125In partnership with City Kidz, a toy drive is currently underway to help bring some holiday cheer to local children. Organizers are currently accepting new . . .
December 7, 2012
Downtown Centre for saleHamilton City Council is taking steps to put McMaster’s Downtown Centre (DTC) up for sale. The University began renting the building more than ten years ago. Approximately . . .
December 7, 2012
International Peace Conference 2012The McMaster International Peace Conference: Peace and Global Citizenship kicks off Friday morning at the Robinson Memorial Theatre (CNH-103). The day-long affair is co-sponsored by . . .
December 6, 2012
Latest round of voting for ‘People of Impact’The McMaster Alumni Association is currently collecting votes to determine the greatest and most profound figures in University history. Voting in the 125 People of . . .
December 6, 2012
Nexus journal relaunchingA group of McMaster anthropology students are resurrecting what was once known as Canada’s premiere graduate student journal of anthropology. Co-editors Kyle Freund, Laura Lockau . . .
December 5, 2012
President’s Awards for Outstanding ServiceNominations are now open for the President’s Awards for Outstanding Service in 2012. McMaster community members are asked to identify employees who have contributed “above . . .
December 4, 2012
Exam/Holiday Stress Relief YogaNeed some stress relief during the final exam period? Is the holiday rush getting to you? It’s time to relax your mind and body and . . .
December 4, 2012
Student wins YMCA Peace MedalMannat Malik, a student in the Arts & Science Program, has been presented with a 2012 YMCA Peace Medal (Adult Individual). The 20-year-old alumna of . . .
December 3, 2012
Have your say: What was the best part of 2012?Alumni Advancement is looking for your feedback about the year 2012 at McMaster. What was the most innovative research breakthrough that happened at McMaster? What . . .
November 30, 2012
Facility Services strategic planMcMaster’s Facility Services has released its strategic plan for 2012-2015. The document, which covers everything from stakeholder relations and customer service to financial accountability and . . .
November 30, 2012
GIS Day tradition continuesFor the 14th year, over 150 high school geography students and teachers will get a special hands-on look at geographic information systems (GIS), GPS technology . . .
November 30, 2012
TrackSafe wins international awardA project involving McMaster Engineering faculty and students, Bombardier Transportation, and Ontario Centres of Excellence has won an international award from the Institution of Engineering . . .
November 29, 2012
Competency Based Medical Education DayRegistration is now open for Competency Based Medical Education Day, featuring three renowned experts discussing medical education and competency based training: Brian Hodges (rationale and . . .
November 28, 2012
Latest round of voting for ‘People of Impact’The McMaster Alumni Association is currently collecting votes to determine the greatest and most profound figures in University history. Voting in the 125 People of . . .
November 28, 2012
Fall Convocation videosVideo from McMaster’s Fall Convocation ceremonies is now on YouTube. Footage from both ceremonies is embedded below, and can be found here.
November 27, 2012
Libraries Host the Annual Toy and Food DriveMcMaster’s Libraries are pleased to host once again this year’s Annual Toy and Food Drive, in support of the Hamilton chapter of the Salvation Army’s . . .