Winter break campus closure

McMaster’s main campus is closing for the winter holiday break, which has been extended to include Monday, January 2 and Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
McMaster University’s main campus is closing for the winter holiday break.
McMaster University announced an extension of the holiday schedule to include Monday, January 2 and Tuesday, January 3, 2023. More information can be found about this on McMaster’s Daily News website.
Residence students
Residence students are expected to leave their residence space by 12:00 p.m. noon the day after their last exam. All residence buildings, except for those accommodating December Stay students, will be closed as of 12:00 p.m. on Friday, December 23. Students will be welcomed back to residence starting January 7 at 9:00 a.m.
Building closures
Most buildings on campus will be locked beginning at the end of the workday Friday, December 23, 2022.
Offices, laboratories, and other spaces with magnetic locks will be locked after this time. Only those with access cards will be able to enter areas with magnetic locks. These buildings will re-open on Wednesday January 4, 2023.
Before Leaving
Prior to leaving, faculty and staff are reminded to please unplug any unnecessary equipment, turn off lights, close off fume hood sashes and water taps in labs to help with campus sustainability efforts.
During the closure period, you can expect:
- Snow clearing services will continue.
- All dining on-campus will be closed. Students can order from our various off-campus vendors using their meal cards.
- Housing and Conference Services (HCS) will have a limited number of staff on campus providing essential services to students who have pre-arranged December Stay agreements. All HCS Service Centres will be closed.
- Parking will continue to be available on campus, however there will be no shuttle bus service during the closure. More information can be found on Parking Services website.
- Security will be on duty throughout the closure period and officers will be on campus
- Individual requests to open rooms and/or buildings will not be approved. Any exception must have been pre-authorized prior to the closure.
- IT support will be limited. Production applications, such as Mosaic, will continue to be available, but there will be no support for Mac ID or Account Management. If you encounter any issues, you can visit the self-service page on the UTS website or submit a JIRA Service Desk ticket.