Return to McMaster Oversight Committee releases final recommendations report

Dear members of the McMaster community,
Over the past three months, the Return to McMaster committees have been developing the recommendations that will guide our plans for how to safely reunite on campus in the fall. This work involved extensive community consultations as well as thorough consideration of the many unique needs of different departments, units and Faculties across the University. And though we are still working through some operational decisions that hinge on the remaining unknowns of the pandemic, I am thrilled to be able to share the Return to McMaster Oversight Committee report with you today.
This report provides overarching guidance on what to consider when planning for the fall. Using the report’s recommendations as a foundation, other key university planning committees have already begun examining the critical areas of vaccination and testing on campus; space design, use and capacity; parking and transportation; food service and eating on campus; student services and student life activities; and workplace best practices. We will be releasing further details about these areas throughout the summer months, so make sure to keep an eye on our COVID-19 website for future updates.
Students can consult this recent article for more details about the shape of the fall semester, including what we know and what we’re working towards in the areas of course selection and delivery; student services, learning supports and amenities; and international student affairs. The article also provides an overview of our residences plan, but there has been a recent update to this information which provides further details.
The expanding vaccine eligibility and falling case counts in Ontario have given us all hope that the end of the pandemic is in sight. Though we know that some Public Health measures will likely remain into the fall, we are planning with steadily increasing optimism that we will be able to come together for safe, high-impact and exciting experiences on our beautiful campus. I for one cannot wait to walk through the changing leaves up to University Hall—and more importantly, to see all of you.
Susan L. Tighe
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)