McMaster Archive

March 2, 2000

Board’s online election for graduate student representative is under way

An election to fill the vacancy for a graduate student representative on the Board of Governors is now under way. The poll opened on March 1 and will remain open until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 3.

March 1, 2000

Ontario’s university chancellors issue statement on higher education

Recently, the chancellors of Ontario's 17 universities gathered on the Glendon campus of York University. Though not all were able to attend, it was an . . .

March 1, 2000

Human Resources deluged with requests for PIN numbers

McMaster's human resources office has been deluged with requests for personal identification numbers (PIN) as faculty and staff prepare for their first on-line vote for new members of the Board of Governors.

March 1, 2000

Continuing education offers management training series

Once seen as a perk doled out in flush times for top managers, management training is suddenly every organization's strategic weapon. This week, McMaster University kicks off the MVP 2000 management training series which consists of one, two and three-day seminars on many topics including e-commerce, intellectual capital, time management, new product development, employee selection and retention, and implementing change.

February 29, 2000

Provost speaks on institutional renewal today

University Provost and vice-president academic Harvey Weingarten presents his annual State of the Academy address at 12:30 p.m. today in HSC-1A5. Weingarten will speak on the "Thrills of Institutional Renewal." "We are entering a time, I think, of institutional renewal at all levels. Due to retirements, people here will witness a turnover in faculty, and probably staff, which hasn't been seen since the early 1960s," says Weingarten.

February 29, 2000

McMaster hosts women’s basketball finals

The 2000 OUA West Women's Basketball Final Four Championship begins at McMaster today with the All-Star Awards Banquet.

February 29, 2000

Symposium surveys the global health care arena

The frequency of miracle medical breakthroughs continues to increase. New discoveries are no longer rare with a heightened understanding of the basis of diseases. But an understanding of the social and cultural issues, many of which dictated the pace of progress, throughout the world health care scene is much more uncommon.

February 29, 2000

Federal funding for universities, research welcomed

Finance minister Paul Martin's tax-cutting budget, announced yesterday, contained good news for Canadian universities. The federal government is providing a one-time $2.5 billion transfer payment for post-secondary education and health care. It also made significant commitments to university research through the allocation of $900 million to extend the Canada Foundation for Innovation program into 2005, and the same amount, over five years, for the establishment of the 21st Century Chairs for Research Excellence.

February 28, 2000

Innovation report author: Ontario needs balanced investment in research support

Ontario unarguably develops world-class, innovative researchers in almost every field. But the province fails to properly encourage and reward them, says a U of T professor who recently conducted a study on ways to expand Ontario's ability to innovate in all sectors of the economy.

February 28, 2000

CanWest looks to invest in McMaster

ONtv may soon be asked, "What's on at McMaster?" CanWest Global Communications Corp., currently awaiting approval to purchase CHCH (now ONtv) television in Hamilton, has pledged $1 million to McMaster for scholarships and research endowments. The gift is part of a $14-million investment in Hamilton by the company in an attempt to return CHCH to its former prestige.

February 28, 2000

Opportunities exist for McMaster in Toronto’s bid for 2008 Olympics

Toronto's well-publicized pitch for the 2008 Summer Olympics may still be on the drawing board, but Therese Quigley, director of athletics & recreation, cautions that McMaster's involvement is even more rudimentary.

February 25, 2000

Minister to announce SuperBuild allocations to McMaster

Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Dianne Cunningham will be on campus today, Friday, Feb. 25, to make an announcement about the SuperBuild Growth Fund. The event is in Convocation Hall at 12:30 p.m.

February 25, 2000

McMaster awarded $22.57 million from SuperBuild Fund for new projects

McMaster University has been awarded $22.57 million in funding through the province's new SuperBuild Growth Fund. The funding allocations were announced at McMaster today by minister of training, colleges and universities Dianne Cunningham. The funding will be used for extensive renovation and remodelling of many buildings on campus to create new classrooms and laboratories. Buildings involved in these renovations include: the former St. Mary's, Hamilton Hall, Arthur Bourns, General Science, Burke Science, Temporary Buildings 13 and 16, and Health Sciences.

February 23, 2000

Futures Fund allocations total $1 million

The McMaster University Futures Fund (MUFF) will spend over $1 million in support of a wide variety of initiatives during the year. The MUFF committee selected the nine projects, totalling $1,040,000, from submissions received from University Faculties, departments and individuals.

February 23, 2000

McMaster takes home nearly $6 million from recent competition

On behalf of Health Minister Allan Rock, the Honourable Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage, announced Feb. 18 a contribution of $5 million for health research initiatives to be conducted at McMaster University and the Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, from the Government of Canada, through the Medical Research Council (MRC).

February 23, 2000

Staff association receives certification

The Ontario Labour Relations Board has certified the McMaster University Staff Association as the legal bargaining agent for non-academic staff (excluding members of The Management Group). The OLRB sent the certificate declaring MUSA's bargaining status Feb. 18.

February 22, 2000

Students head for home, the slopes and the beach

Reading week, mid-term break, spring break. Whatever you choose to call it, students are off this week, with many heading off for a few days of home cooking, to the slopes for skiing, or to southern locales for surf and sand, before returning to classes Monday, February 28.

February 22, 2000

Superbuild allocations to be announced today

This afternoon, minister of training, colleges and universities Dianne Cunningham will announce university funding allocations under the province's new Superbuild Growth Fund.

February 22, 2000

Theme School organizes consensus conference for Hamilton-Wentworth region

McMaster's Theme School on Science, Technology and Public Policy hopes to introduce an innovative approach to ensuring the public has an impact on government decisions. On May 27, the school will hold a consensus conference, involving a panel of residents from Hamilton-Wentworth, to discuss the merits of incineration versus landfill in waste management strategies.

February 22, 2000

SuperBuild allocations for GTA region announced

SuperBuild Growth Fund allocations for 14 Greater Toronto Area projects were announced Feb. 22 by finance minister Ernie Eves and training, colleges and universities minister Dianne Cunningham. The 14 GTA projects, which will create more than 26,000 new student spaces, include four joint college-university projects and total more than $330 million. Through SuperBuild, the Ontario government is spending $742 million this year to build and modernize universities and colleges for future demand, with $660 million of this going towards new capital projects. Full details of the GTA allocations announced today, including a list of the 14 projects, can be found on the ministry's Web