His name is Marc and he’s a commerce grad

[img_inline align=”left” src=”http://padnws01.mcmaster.ca/images/MarkMarzotto.jpg” caption=”Marc Marzotto”]The following valedictory address was given by MSU President and commerce graduate Marc Marzotto (shown at left) at the School of Business Convocation in May. Marzotto's speech began with a McMaster version of the popular “I Am.Canadian” beer commercial.
His address garnered warm applause from an appreciative audience of fellow graduates, proud parents and guests. We are posting his version of “I Am,” along with an excerpt from his full address, for readers of the Daily News.
I Am A McMaster Commerce Grad
by Marc Marzotto
I'm not a capitalist, or someone who carries a briefcase all the time
and I don't love group work, or simplex, or know that Chile was the
country in Stockton's 4SA3 midterm
and I don't know Jimmy, Sally, or Suzy from Engineering,
although I'm certain they're really, really going to work for me one
I have Coke, not Pepsi.
I go to the John and the Rat on the weekends
and I pronounce it class schedule, not class schedule.
I can proudly sell chopsticks in Japan or shoes in North America.
I believe in in-class midterms, not weekend midterms
divergence not convergence
and that the Marauder is a truly proud and noble animal.
A Miltenburg is a really nice and very tall man, a Wesolowsky, one of
those guys with a red laser pointer, and that guy from 3FA3yeah,
and it is pronounced MGD, not MDG,
MGD — The Michael G. DeGroote School of Business is one of 46
Business Schools in Canada, yet only one of three that GE exclusively
recruits at,
one of two that has its own trading room on campus,
and the only one that is situated at
the most innovative University in Canada.
My name is Marc, and I am a Mac Commerce Grad.
* * * * *
While our years at Mac have prepared us for the working world, and I'm sure we will all succeed there, there's still sadness knowing we're done and can't go back.
But maybe it's time for us to move on.
Some of us are preparing for full-time work this fall, others are going back to school, some are travelling, some unsure of what the next step will be. Regardless of which direction you take, there's five things I want to share with you today.
Find work you enjoy. The best job for you doesn't have to be the best- paying one — money isn't everything. That's not to say that having a high-paying job isn't good, but we must be sure to balance our time and make sure we have enough for family, friends, ourselves, or anything that's important to us. If you have a job that you really like, it won't feel like work at all. And don't be afraid to change your job if it doesn't interest you — stats show that people are changing careers nowadays more than ever before.
Become involved. The classroom and work environments aren't where you get all your knowledge. I can honestly say that I learned as much outside of the classroom through my friendships and extra-curricular activities than I did sitting in a lecture hall. Let's get involved in our communities, play some house-league sports, or continue to be involved with Mac. You'd be surprised at how much you can learn from taking part in these activities, and how much fun they can be. There are many opportunities out there; find one you like and try it out.
Be proud of your degree and your school. Like I mentioned earlier, our business school is rapidly changing and turning into one of the elite schools in Canada. More students are applying to our business school now more than ever before. The reputation of the school is based on us, the graduates, so let's make Mac proud and spread the word about it. Come back to the school and give a talk about what you do, become a part of the alumni association, or, when you become a manager and have to do some hiring, make sure you come to Mac.
Take risks — that's what life's all about. Don't be afraid to try something new because you're worried about failing. Look at Walt Disney – he bankrupted himself many times trying new ventures. Then one of them hit, and he changed not only his life, but the lives of those around him as well. It's better to take that chance and fail than to have never tried at all. Sometimes we learn the most when we're at our worst. We're not in a dress rehearsal here — this is the real thing. So go for it.
Keep in touch. One of the hardest things about graduating here today is that we can't take our friends with us as we leave McMaster. But with things like e-mail, it's real easy to keep up with everybody. The friends we've made here are those that have been with us through the good and the bad — keep them with you as you meet the next challenge in your life. Plus, we're in business, and there's no other profession out there that better epitomizes the phrase “It's not who you are, it's who you know.” It's all about networking and knowing the right people in business, so keep in touch. Who knows, someone in your 4SA3 group might hook you up with a job in the future. When we say our goodbyes to people today, and make sure you say goodbyes, get an e-mail address, phone number, business card, whatever — something to stay in touch. That's the first part. The second part is following up on that with a call or e-mail. It's not hard to do.
To the faculty, administration, and staff here in the School of Business — thanks for your instruction and guidance. To our families and friends – thanks for just being there when we needed you.
We now have the skills we need to succeed in the world. Although not the best role model for us, Ferris Bueller once said, “The question is not, 'What are we going to do?' The question is, 'What aren't we going to do?'” Ferris was talking about what he was going to do while he was taking a day off from school, but this can apply to us, too, as we take our next step. We've been together for four years, and it's been amazing, and we have each other to thank for that. But now it's time for us to move on. So, let's go out there and make a difference.