McMaster Archive

April 11, 2000

Deferred maintenance bill on Canadian campuses totals $3.6 billion

Canadian universities are facing mounting costs for repairs to classrooms, residences and other buildings on campus, according to a report released today. University campuses face . . .

April 11, 2000

New research initiative targets superbugs

The inaugural symposium of McMaster's Antimicrobial Research Centre (ARC) will bring together international leaders in antibiotics and related research fields to discuss their latest findings in the war against "superbugs" or antibiotic-resistant pathogens. In addition to seminars by ARC members, four distinguished invited speakers will present results of their work at the symposium on Friday, April 14:

April 11, 2000

Retiring with class

Expecting to teach his very last class as a full time professor at 11:30 on April 6, Don Woods (centre) was instead treated to a surprise party in his honour. The chemical engineering 4Z03 class was joined by faculty, staff and other students to celebrate Woods' contributions to teaching and learning. "It was fantastic!" he says. Reflecting on his 36 years at McMaster, Woods says the best part was the in-class interaction - "seeing students grow and develop as individuals, and being a part of that growing and learning process. It's been a great time." He plans to do some writing, and have more time for music (piano and organ) and oil painting.

April 10, 2000

Vote on teaching staff election to Board begins April 12

The election for two representatives of the teaching staff on the Board of Governors will take place between 9 a.m., Wednesday, April 12 and 4:30 . . .

April 7, 2000

McMaster launches global research network

A new institute at McMaster University brings together researchers from across Hamilton with colleagues at approximately 700 hospitals in 52 countries in a global network to address population health issues. The projects of the Population Health Institute have sponsorship by the World Health Organization and the World Heart Federation and links with core laboratories specializing in thrombosis, biochemistry, genetics and vascular research.

April 7, 2000

Off-campus students sought for new street reps program

Off-campus students are being sought to act as "street representatives" in a new initiative to be launched this fall. The street reps will live in student housing in the neighbourhoods surrounding the University, connecting with their peers and providing a link to the University.

April 7, 2000

Italian artist Mimmo Paladino’s compelling prints

“There are no symbols in my works” insists Mimmo Paladino. “I have nothing to do with symbols, and if symbols seem to crop up nevertheless . . .

April 7, 2000

Quiz bowl team off to international tournament

While many McMaster students begin studying for exams this weekend, four Arts & Science students will be in Boston facing an academic challenge of a different nature. Ian Philp, Matthew Choi, Patrick Greco and Evan Jones, all Level III students, head to Boston University today (Friday, April 7) to compete in an International Academic Quiz Tournament against students from several Ivy League universities.

April 7, 2000

Budget Committee recommends five-year tuition schedule

McMaster University's Budget Committee has approved a number of recommendations relating to undergraduate student tuition levels for the next five years. The recommendations will be considered by the University's Board of Governors on April 27. A two per cent increase each year over five years is proposed. The fees recommended for 2000-2005 are calculated on the base tuition fee paid this academic year (1999-2000) by students in arts and science and are evenly spaced out over the five years.

April 6, 2000

Summer employment prospects sunny for students, graduates

Whether it's summer employment to offset the cost of higher learning, or to kick-start a career, prospects look sunny for McMaster students. But for many, the job search process can be mysterious and intimidating. Many hesitate and put off the inevitable. Career Planning & Employment Centre counsellor Dave Lawson says, "For a lot of people the idea of finding a job can be very intimidating and, therefore, it's easy to keep putting it off. Our job at the centre is to demystify the job search process and give them the skills they need to succeed. It's important for students to realize that landing a job doesn't just happen. You need to know where the job listings are, have a cover letter and professional-looking, up-to-date resume and be able to sell yourself in an interview."

April 6, 2000

Staff survey follow-up project begins

Two years ago, non-teaching staff at McMaster were sent a survey. Some people replied, some people didn't, but the results were made known in mailings . . .

April 5, 2000

Bicycle engraving offered today

Security Services takes a "bike out of crime" today (Wednesday, April 5) at the second annual Bicycle Anti-Theft program beginning at 10 a.m. in front of Hamilton Hall.

April 4, 2000

Students want their peers to leave the pack behind

McMaster University has officially launched a smoke-free campus campaign to reduce smoking prevalence by challenging the social acceptability of smoking through information and awareness. The campaign, titled "Leave the Pack Behind," is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and is a collaborative effort among several colleges and universities. The campaign is geared to reach 50,000 post-secondary students and to educate them about the effects of smoking and to provide ways for them to kick the habit.

April 4, 2000

Special event for graduating students today at 2 p.m.

The future holds many promises for graduates of the new millennium. But for McMaster graduates there are some extra perks that go along with their degree. Alumni Launch 2000 is a unique event for all graduating students. This year's event, titled "What's in it for me?," gives graduates the opportunity to explore the wide range of programs, events, services and benefits that await them after graduation. The event, sponsored by the McMaster Alumni Association, will be held today (April 4)at 2 p.m. in UH-213, Convocation Hall.

April 3, 2000

Two nominees for non-teaching staff election to the Board

Two candidates have been nominated to represent the non-teaching staff on the Board of Governors: * Mary Louise Beecroft, research nurse/co-ordinator, Department of Obstetrics & . . .

April 1, 2000

New executive for Chinese Students’ Association

The McMaster Chinese Students' Association(CSA) has elected a new executive for the year 2000-2001. President: Eric Wong; Vice-President Administration: Ada Wong; Vice-President Internal: Camus Au; . . .

March 31, 2000

McMaster discloses 1999 salary list

McMaster University is releasing today a list of salaries in accordance with Ontario's Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act. The list includes those employees whose 1999 . . .

March 31, 2000

Bell fund award supports new Web site on mystic women

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Garay, Wesley, Ryder, McKay, Woolf, Jeay”]A substantial award from the Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund will enable professors in McMaster's Faculty . . .

March 31, 2000

Kipling antic tops them all

It's a bird, it's a's a K car! This automobile was found comfortably nesting on top of the University tower this morning. How'd it get there? Well, only our civil engineering students know for sure. The antic is part of an annual celebration called Kipling, a ceremony at which graduating students receive their rings. That ceremony takes place today at 4 p.m. For the record, an unidentified source told us the car was cut into 20-plus pieces, transported to the roof, reassembled, and placed on a six-foot high wooden frame so it would be seen. The car is a "replica" of that owned by civil engineering professor K. S. Sivakumaran.

March 30, 2000

Basil Alexander awarded Honour M

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Basil Alexander and Peter George”]The achievements and accomplishments of McMaster students, faculty and alumni during the 1999-2000 academic year were recognized on . . .