August 1, 2000
New bursary enables McMaster students to study in JerusalemTwo McMaster students will be studying for a year in Jerusalem, thanks to a new travel bursary established under the McMaster Student Opportunity Fund. Rachel Gold, a third year student in psychology, plans to take the Ulpan (intensive course in Hebrew), followed by Israel studies and general studies at the Rothberg International School. Graduate student David Miller, Department of Religious Studies, is going to take Hebrew for the entire year along with courses and seminars in advanced Biblical Hebrew, Second Temple literature, types of Jewish leadership in late antiquity, and Jews in Greek and Roman literature.
July 28, 2000
First recipient of new memorial prize in ophthalmology named[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”S. Witelson and K. Hasanee”]A McMaster medical student in his final year of studies is the first recipient of the Dr. Henry . . .
July 27, 2000
Native students health sciences co-ordinator appointedMcMaster has appointed a native students health sciences co-ordinator in its Faculty of Health Sciences to develop a partnership with the Aboriginal community and enhance opportunities for Aboriginal students. The new co-ordinator, Cornelia Wieman, will work with the Faculty and the community to liaise with Aboriginal students, help develop curriculum relevant to those students and raise the profile of Aboriginal health care issues within the Faculty. Her duties address the recommendations of a McMaster University task force on Native Students in Health Sciences Programs.
July 26, 2000
McMaster awarded $17.8 million in CFI fundingMcMaster University has been awarded $17.8 million for research infrastructure from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). The funding, announced today, will support six research projects at McMaster.
July 25, 2000
CIHR governing council creates 13 health research institutesOttawa, July 25, 2000 Minister of Health, Allan Rock, and the president of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR),Alan Bernstein, announced today the creation of 13 health research institutes that will bring together, in a virtual way, researchers that are widely separated by geography and discipline, to focus on issues that affect the health of Canadians. Research institutes will be created in the areas of: * aboriginal people's health; * circulatory and respiratory health; * cancer research; * gender and health; * genetics; * health services and policy research; * healthy aging; * human development, child and youth health; * infection and immunity; * neurosciences, mental health and addiction; * musculoskeletal health and arthritis; * nutrition, metabolism and diabetes; and, * population and public health.
July 24, 2000
Government provides free tuition to medical students to practice in underserviced areasToronto, July 24--The Ontario government will provide $4 million for free tuition and location incentives to new doctors willing to practice in underserviced areas, health and long-term care minister Elizabeth Witmer announced today. "This initiative will provide financial assistance to medical students and address the needs of rural and northern communities," Witmer said. "We are working with doctors, medical students and communities to ensure that all Ontarians have access to physician services." The tuition grant and the location incentives fund combined will provide students with $10,000 for each year of undergraduate medical training.
July 20, 2000
Professor Nibaldo Galleguillos ( Political Science), leads delegation to Mexico as an electoral observerThe July 2 election in Mexico was a great advance in Mexico's quest for democracy. Right-wing candidate Vicente Fox was elected president, ending 71 years of supremacy for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). From June 25 to July 8, McMaster University Associate Professor of Political Science, Nibaldo Galleguillos, lead a team of five Canadian academics from York, Guelph and McMaster universities to observe the electoral process. Professor Galleguillos has been attending elections in Mexico since 1991; an important area of his research has been in regards to democratic development in Third World countries, focusing on electoral reforms and elections.
July 20, 2000
Looking Ahead to Marauder FootballThe 2000 season promises to be another exciting campaign for Marauder Football. After finishing tied for second in the OUA last season with a 6-2 . . .
July 19, 2000
Dana Cooke Takes Over as Head Coach of Men’s Volleyball TeamThe McMaster Marauder Men's Volleyball team will have a new Head Coach for the 2000-2001 season. Dana Cook will take over as Head Coach after . . .
July 18, 2000
Negotiations Ongoing Between MUSA and McMasterNegotiations between the University and the McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA) continue over the summer, albeit slowly. The parties are attempting to work out their first contract.
July 18, 2000
2000 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees AnnouncedThe McMaster University Department of Athletics and Recreation is pleased to announce the 2000 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees. The inductees are, Bernie Custis (Builder), . . .
July 14, 2000
Premier’s Research Excellence Awards to McMaster ResearchersHamilton - Six researchers from McMaster University will receive the Premier's Research Excellence Awards (PREA), Energy, Science and Technology Minister Jim Wilson announced July 13 on behalf of Premier Mike Harris. The researchers will receive up to $600,000 from the province and up to $300,000 from the university.
July 14, 2000
New Exhibition – Bertrand Russell and the Foundations of Mathematics+-x= +-x= +-x= +-x= +-x= +-x= +-x= +-x= Consider the class of all classes that are not members of themselves. Is it a member of itself?
July 10, 2000
Shad Valley Program in Full Swing at McMasterMcMaster's Shad Valley Program is under way for the third year and fifty-two enthusiastic teens, including two from Scotland have begun an intensive four week program that will introduce them to university life.
July 10, 2000
Andrea Baumann has been appointed as Director of McMaster HealthDr. Andrea Baumann has been appointed as Director of McMaster Health Sciences International effective July 1, 2000. Dr. Baumann is the Associate Dean of Health . . .
July 10, 2000
Minishad Experience For Local High School StudentsAs a way of introducing local high school students to the highly successful Shad Valley Program, the University is opening its doors to 85 teenagers on Saturday.
July 7, 2000
CanChild awarded $1.7 million from U.S. National Institutes of Health for Study of Children with DisabilitiesThe U.S. National Institutes of Health have awarded $1.7 million to a Canadian research team led by the CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research at McMaster University for a three-year study that will influence services and policy for children with disabilities.
July 7, 2000
CIBC executive invests $1 million in new chair at McMasterCanadian bank executive Wayne C. Fox is putting his money where his alma mater is. The vice-chairman of CIBC and 1973 MBA graduate of McMaster University is making a personal investment of $1 million for the establishment of a chair in business innovation in the Michael G. DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University.
July 7, 2000
MSU drives and putts for doughThe 2000 McMaster Students Union Charity Golf Classic attracted 104 enthusiastic duffers — the highest number of participants ever to turn out for the annual . . .
July 7, 2000
More first-year students are choosing McMasterLevel I acceptances to McMaster University are up significantly over last year. June 29 numbers supplied by the Ontario Universities' Application Centre show that first-year . . .