posted on Nov. 16: Leadership Committee seeks volunteers for task work groups

Progress continues on the implementation of the Staff Survey recommendations made by four working groups earlier this year.
The Leadership Committee overseeing the implementation of the 20 recommendations is now seeking volunteers for task groups for the following projects: staff newsletter, employee lounges, manager core competencies, and career counselling. Work in these areas will begin later this month.
In February, task groups for suggestion boxes, performance reviews, recognition programs will be formed.
Anyone interested in volunteering for a group is invited to e-mail Lynne Taylor, Office of the Vice-President Administration, at Volunteers are being asked to commit two hours a week for a maximum of 10 weeks.
Over the past three months, the Leadership Committee (Karen Belaire, Peter George, Mark Haley, Gillian Howard, Lynn Hruczkowski, David Kidney, Ray Procwat, Harvey Weingarten and Jennifer Wesson-Howes) has presented the recommendations to more than 750 University employees and held 15 meetings to increase awareness on campus of the recommendations.
“It is clear from the attendance and what was said at these sessions that many, many people value the University and are proud to work here. The response has been positive to the recommendations and to the fact that we are responding to the concerns expressed in the staff survey,” says Karen Belaire, committee member and vice-president administration. Some people remain skeptical of the process and are taking a “wait and see” attitude, she adds.
An Employee Survey Newsletter, sent to faculty and staff this week and now posted on the University Web site at (click on “Leadership Report-November 2000”), provides an update on the status of each recommendation. Short and/or long-term timelines were established for implementation of the recommendations.
Worth noting is the progress made to date on the following recommendations:
7 Organizational change consultant: Interviews were conducted with six firms and the successful firm will be announced shortly.
7 Electronic media: All employees who request access to e-mail will be issued access and training sessions will be provided for those who wish use this medium.
7 Lounges: Space audits are currently under way and the implementation task group for this project will set design guidelines and recommend lounge locations.
7 Staff representation on selection committees: Policies are currently being revised and should be through the appropriate approval process by December.
The Leadership Committee will be issuing a newsletter regularly to keep University employees informed of the progress being made.