posted on Nov. 16: Acting v-p and dean of health sciences announced

[img_inline align=”right” src=”” caption=”Bill Orovan”]Bill Orovan, professor and chair of the Department of Surgery, takes up the position of acting vice-president and dean of McMaster's Faculty of Health Sciences on Jan. 1.
His appointment was announced by University President Peter George.
“Dr. Orovan will bring a wealth of experience and exceptional leadership skills to this interim role, which will enable all health sciences' faculty, staff and students to continue to move forward with new initiatives and programs,” said President George.
Orovan obtained his MD from the Faculty of Health Sciences in 1975 and has been a member of the University's teaching faculty since 1981.
St. Joseph's Hospital benefited from his leadership for many years, including 12 years as chief of the Department of Surgery and four years as chief of the medical staff. He is a past president of the Ontario Medical Association and has served on the Canadian Medical Association board.
Active in the local, provincial, national and international medical communities, Orovan has pursued a practise in urological oncology and is interested in public policy issues pertaining to health care and the delivery and future directions of our health care system.
President George said that a search for a permanent vice-president and dean will now begin.