Write a welcome note for a first-year, and enter to win a personalized SnackMagic box

The McMaster community is invited to submit a note to welcome the next generation of McMaster students as the Class of 2026 starts to arrive.
Alumni Engagement will be sending each first-year student their own welcome note, so they need all the help they can get!
Think back to your first year — what would you have wanted to know? Share your memories, advice, and encouragement!
Click here to submit a welcome note
If you submitted a note last year, the Office of Alumni Engagement would like to thank you, and hopes you will continue to participate in this beloved McMaster tradition.
By sending in a note, you will be entered to win 1 of 10 SnackMagic boxes, where you will have $50 to fill your box with all the treats of your choice!
To be entered to win, the deadline for submitting a note is 11:59 p.m. ET Thursday August 18. Winners will be drawn and contacted on Friday August 19.
Not sure what to write? Here are some notes from past years:
Dear First Year: As a 1985 graduate, I probably seem as ancient to you as our founder, William McMaster, himself. Yet, I have some worthwhile advice to share. My most cherished memories and friendships of university were made in my first few weeks at McMaster. So, as you progress and inevitably get more involved in your major, make an effort to keep up with a few of those friends you make in the first weeks. Try a few clubs or intramural sports and pick one or two to stick with through your entire time at Mac. You’ll be glad you did. Best of luck! – John ’ 85
Use your time at McMaster to find what you are passionate about – explore and take courses in topics you may not have heard before. Whatever you choose, you’ll be sure to make an impact at Mac and beyond! – Rodrigo ’14
Welcome to McMaster! In order to help you along the way, here’s one tidbit of advice that I wish I listened to in my first year. Take time for yourself. Yes, studying and staying on top of your work is important, but so is your mental health. Set block periods in your days/weeks for you to get a little rest and relaxation. University can be overwhelming but by showing yourself a little love you will find it much less daunting; I promise! — Riley, Upper year student
For every welcome note received, Alumni Engagement will donate $1 toward campus beautification to enhance the student experience. If you would like to match us, you can also make a gift here.
Thanks for helping to welcome a first-year student and continuing to represent McMaster as a supportive and inclusive community.