Winter walking on and off campus

During the winter season we can expect to see plenty of snow and ice as we travel by foot outdoors. You might be travelling from the parking lot to your lab or office or walking from one building to another for a meeting. How often do you consider the possibility of a slip and fall due to wet and slippery conditions? This could be the difference between arriving safely to your destination or from suffering an injury on the way. It’s important to have a plan and to be prepared for the outdoor conditions in order to prevent slips and falls.

There are several considerations that will help to reduce your risk of injury from a slip and fall in the winter time.

  • Stick to the path – You should only be travelling on designated pathways that have been cleared for use. There are many routes on campus that are maintained throughout the winter months including clearing of snow and salting to prevent ice. Stick to the path and avoid taking short cuts.
  • Choose proper footwear – Shoes or boots with good treads will limit the likelihood of a slip and fall when you are travelling outdoors. Consider having an extra pair for use outdoors.
  • Take your time – Slow down and exercise caution when you are moving around outdoors on campus or when entering buildings. Always walk and never run. This can be made easier by adjusting or planning your schedule accordingly.
  • Report unsafe conditions – If a path, sidewalk or parking lot has not been cleared or salted do not leave it for the next person to slip and injure themselves. Report the condition immediately to the Facility Services Customer Service Desk at extension 24740. Help to keep the campus safe for all.

By following these quick tips you can significantly reduce your chance of an injury from a slip and fall both on and off campus.