What is it like working at McMaster University?

McMaster University staff and faculty are being invited to participate in an online survey about the workplace culture at McMaster University. The research is being led by Dr. Allison Williams, who holds a Chair in Gender, Work & Health at McMaster University (http://ghw.mcmaster.ca).

The purpose of this CIHR-funded research is to collect information about the workplace culture at McMaster University, and specifically the experience of employees who are also providing unpaid caregiving outside of work. You do NOT need to be a caregiver to participate in this survey; the researchers would like to learn more about your experience working for McMaster University, regardless of whether you are a caregiver.

Survey participants have a chance to win a raffle for one first-place prize of $500 and two second-place prizes of $250 each! Invitations to participate in this survey will be sent out by email. Additionally, the survey can be accessed here: https://www.science.mcmaster.ca/macworkplacesurvey

Any questions about the survey or the Chair in Gender, Work & Health should be directed to Rachelle Ireson, iresonrl@mcmaster.ca or 905-525-9140 x28617

This study has received clearance from the McMaster Research Ethics Board.