Unwind with a labyrinth walk in the Mindfulness Centre

A labyrinth is a pattern of circuits and turns that is used in many religious and non-religious traditions around the world. There is something powerful about walking this path and allowing the body to be free as you move to the centre. Walking the labyrinth can help to bring clarity.

The labyrinth that we walk is a replica of the 11-circuit pattern found in Chartres Cathedral in France. Centuries ago, those who were unable to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem would walk the labyrinth as a spiritual practice or pilgrimage. Today, labyrinths are widely used for devotional and meditative and devotional purposes. They can be found in public parks, retreat centers, hospitals and churches.

Try this experience as a way to gain a sense of calm as you prepare for the end of term. The walk is at your own pace between 12:15 -1:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 31 and Thursday, April 2 in the Mindfulness and Wellness Centre in the David Braley Athletics Centre. For more information, contact: email: Carol Wood: woodcar@mcmaster.ca or call the Chaplaincy Centre, ext. 24127.

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