Two controlled burns happening on campus 

In the coming weeks, McMaster University will conduct controlled burns near the main campus on two separate days at the sites below. The exact dates will be shared in advance once dry weather conditions are confirmed.

  1. McMaster University – West Campus along Cootes Drive 
  2. McMaster Forest Nature Preserve, 1105 Lower Lions Club Road  

Map showing Hamilton from above, with circles indicating the sites of controlled burns

The purpose of the controlled burns is to create and improve rare plant and wildlife habitats, control invasive species and generate new research opportunities.

There will be no access to the McMaster Forest Nature Preserve on the day of the burn. Access to McMaster University’s West Campus will not be disrupted by the burn. Signage and staff will be present at entrance points.

For health reasons, it is recommended that people with asthma avoid prolonged exposure to the smoke. The smoke may also contain small amounts of poison ivy oil. Individuals who are sensitive to poison ivy should avoid exposure to the smoke. If respiratory irritation occurs, please move immediately to an area with fresh air and contact a physician.

Prescribed burn specialists from Wildfire Specialists Inc. will supervise the burns to ensure that conditions are controlled throughout the event. The local fire department and the municipality are also aware of the burn plan.

While crews are doing everything they can to minimize the smoke, any smoke on-site during the burn may last up to 48 hours after the fire has been extinguished.