TMG, MUALA and UNIFOR Members: Register now for winter Leadership Programs

TMG, MUALA and UNIFOR Members: Register now for winter Leadership Programs

The New Manager Orientation Program is designed for new people managers (TMG and MUALA) at McMaster. The highly customized program incorporates McMaster’s leadership philosophy with practical knowledge of business, financial and human resources practices and procedures. The winter cohort, which consists of eight full-day sessions spread over six months, begins January 27. Visit for program information, to view the complete schedule, and to register. This program is funded by the University with the exception of parking expenses.

The University also offers two 5-day programs to enhance the workforce capabilities of UNIFOR Local 5555, Unit 1 staff members. Personal Leadership, beginning January 28, is designed to provide universal skills to various roles at McMaster (e.g., administrative, support, coordination, IT, IT support). Emerging Leaders, beginning January 29, is designed to provide immediate and practical skills, and to develop confidence, for those who supervise other staff or external contractors and/or lead projects; eligibility is limited to individuals with supervisory and/or project lead responsibilities. Complete details and registration information are available at: Programs are funded by the University with the exception of parking expenses.