Registration open for workplace wellness activities

October 1 – 31 is Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month; a month set aside each year to increase awareness about the importance of workplace wellness. McMaster’s Healthy Workplace Committee in collaboration with Human Resources Services, has organized a month of events and activities for all McMaster employees under the theme Workplace Wellness Fosters Happy & Healthy Employees. Registration is now open for all events.

A calendar with events for the month can be found here.

Highlights of the month include:

Fall Fair & Teambuilding Event on October 1 from 11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m

o A collaborative event supporting the United Way of Burlington & Greater Hamilton
o Corn roast, games and draws
o A Bus Pull Teambuilding Event for staff, students & faculty: registration closes September 19 at 4pm

Weekly themed events

o Being Well: Positive Psychology, Resiliency & Retirement Workshops
o Feeling Well: Mental Health Sessions, Yoga & Meditation
o Eating Well: Healthy Cooking Demonstration & Nutrition Workshop
o Connecting Well: Employee Wellness Fair

Healthy Workplace Ambassador Award (nominations are now open)

o An award designed to recognize an employee who has demonstrated unequaled personal effort to foster employee health and well-being

Employee Wellness Fair is on October 29 from 11:30 – 1:30 – mark your calendars!

o An event dedicated to connecting with our campus and community partners to offer employees the opportunity to learn more about resources available to support personal wellness
o Prize draws, interactive displays, wellness information and a gift from the healthy Workplace Committee (for the first 300 attendees)