Register for Mini-Med School
McMaster medical students are once again welcoming the community to join the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine’s annual Mini-Med School, to learn about important healthcare issues.
The seven-week program will take place on Tuesday evenings from Feb. 5 to March 19 at the McMaster Health Sciences Centre.
Each week, physicians from the faculty will deliver two presentations at an intermediate level about interesting medical topics. Some of the topics this year include plastic surgery, genetics, infectious disease and anxiety disorders.
Mini-Med School is an accredited program with Continuing Health Sciences Education, and participants receive a study credit towards CHSE. Registration is required, and includes a Mini-Med school tote bag, notebook, water bottle and more. The cost for seniors and students is $75, or $125 for adults.
To register, please call 905-525-9140 ext. 22671 or visit us online.