Recruiting team leaders for MacServe: Reading Week

We are very excited to announce that we are currently recruiting full-time staff and faculty of the university to be Team Leaders for our 2014 ‘MacServe: Reading Week’ Program.

Please review the position profile. Some important information about this year’s program:

-This year we are operating (destination; learning theme) two trips to Hamilton (Youth Poverty & Music for Poverty Reduction), one to Montreal (Advocacy and Inclusion), New Orleans (Disaster and Resiliency), Vancouver (Dynamics of Food Security), and Dominican Republic (Education for Self-Determination). Each trip requires one team leader, except for New Orleans which requires three.

-Team Leaders are remunerated by 100% of their trip costs covered – they are not paid for their time

-Each team will have 1-6 Assistant Team Leaders (student position)

-Team Leaders are expected to attend all pre and post trip meetings as outlined in the role description. This is not negotiable.

Interested applicants are asked to submit a RESUME and a LETTER OF INTENT that addresses the following questions:
1. Why does the Team Leader position interest you? Why does the MacServe: Reading Week program interest you?
2. What skills and experiences do you have that would make you a terrific Team Leader?
3. What would you consider to be a challenge in taking on the Team Leader role and how would you address this challenge?
4. If selected, what trip(s) would you be most interested in, and why?

Please submit your letter of intent to by Friday October 11, 2013 at NOON.

Before submitting a letter of interest, staff are recommended to speak with their direct supervisor regarding time off and participation in this program.