Reboot your academics

Boosting your grades or improving your academic performance can be difficult and students do not always know where to start when it comes to achieving those goals.

The Student Success Centre is holding a one-day workshop to help students in these areas. Academic Reboot covers areas such as time management, note taking, study strategies, lecture learning, exam preparation, and essay, report and assignment completion.

The workshop takes place Friday, Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and costs $50 (cost includes materials and lunch). Academic Reboot is open to undergraduate students. Register on OSCARplus or email for more information.

The Student Success Centre also focuses on helping students be employable; Academic Reboot will discuss transferable skills (Canada’s Employability Skills 2000) and you will be connected with an Academic Skills Coach who can mentor you throughout the year and provide additional support.