Process for purchasing via systems contracts has changed

McMaster’s process for purchasing via systems contracts from Grand & Toy, Fisher Scientific, and others has changed

The systems contracts vendors provide McMaster with price discounts and used to accept a McMaster account number. The new process requires purchasers to pay using the Purchase Card/P-Card (the BMO MasterCard) or a purchase requisition.

This change was announced in October’s cutover memo and was effective November 1; however, it has become clear that some purchasers did not realize that systems contracts include Grand & Toy and Fisher Scientific, etc. A full list of the systems contracts is available on the McMaster purchasing website.

The P-Card is now the preferred and recommended way for McMaster purchasers to make purchases. If your unit lacks a P-Card, applications for the P-Card are available on the purchasing website.

Final note: the P-Card (BMO MasterCard) should not be confused with the McMaster travel card (Diners Club MasterCard). These two credit cards are NOT interchangeable.

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