Participants aged 5-18 needed for concussion study
CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research at McMaster University is currently conducting three Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)-funded research studies evaluating concussion management in both the acute and chronic pediatric population. Children and youth aged 5-18 years old with a diagnosis of a concussion are invited to participate in this research. If you know someone who meets these criteria, they may be eligible to participate in one of these research studies.
Due to the limited public services in the community, these research studies offer a unique opportunity for families and youth to receive: 1) concussion management education; 2) symptom and activity monitoring; 3) balance & neurocognitive testing; and 4) depression screening.
These research studies are led by Carol DeMatteo, Associate Professor with the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. Any questions about these research studies can be directed to the study team at: 905-525-9140 ext. 26842
For more information, visit the CanChild website at:
These studies have been approved by the Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Boards.