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October 13, 2015

Library announces travel scholarship winner

Zack Batist, a graduate student in Anthropology who recently completed his Master’s thesis, knows first–hand the value of data. Now he wants to learn more . . .

October 8, 2015

Resilience and longevity for older workers with arthritis through exercise

You are invited to participate in a research study that aims to compare changes in pain, mobility, fitness, strength and resilience in the workplace following . . .

October 7, 2015

Faculty of Health Sciences employees needed for study on caregiver-employees

1. Are you a McMaster employee? 2. Do you work in the Faculty of Health Sciences? 3. Are you caring for an adult family member . . .

October 7, 2015

Federal election: Register and vote on campus this week

Elections Canada has opened offices at several university campuses, including McMaster, to make the voting process more accessible. McMaster’s Elections Canada office is located in Celebration Hall . . .

October 6, 2015

McMaster’s internet and research networks get speed boost

Three decades ago it started with a 2400 bits per second link between McMaster and York University; this year McMaster’s researcher computer network crossed another . . .

October 6, 2015

MSU to host all-candidates debate

The McMaster Students Union will host an all-candidates debate for the federal election Thursday, Oct. 8. Candidates from the Conservative Party, Liberal Party, New Democratic . . .

October 6, 2015

Biology Greenhouse plant sale

McMaster’s Biology Greenhouse will hold its first plant sale Oct. 7 and 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Make a donation and take away . . .

October 6, 2015

McMaster on schedule to switch to new calendaring system

Organizing meetings across the University will get a bit easier at the end of October when McMaster completes its move to a new calendaring system . . .

October 5, 2015

MIP wins AURP Emerging Research Park Award

McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the 2015 Association of University Research Parks (AURP) Emerging Research Park Award . . .

October 2, 2015

Student elections to governing bodies

Elections will be held on October 6-7, 2015 to fill undergraduate and graduate student vacancies on the Board of Governors and Senate. The elections will . . .

October 2, 2015

Case of meningococcal meningitis

The City of Hamilton Public Health Services has received confirmation of a case of meningococcal meningitis, in a student from McMaster University. Meningococcal meningitis is . . .

October 2, 2015

Register now for the 2015 Leadership Summit for Women

 An annual intergenerational community-wide event, the Summit provides the skills, space, and support for all participants, regardless of gender, to reach their full potential as . . .

October 1, 2015

Call for nominations: University Scholar

Call for Nominations Please accept this notice as an official call for nominations for the title of University Scholar (US). The deadline for nominations is . . .

September 30, 2015

Call for nominations: Distinguished University Professor

Please accept this notice as an official call for nominations for the title of Distinguished University Professor (DUP). The deadline for nominations is Sunday, Nov. 1, . . .

September 29, 2015

LIVELab offering interactive concert series, ‘Series 10dB’

The LIVELab is pleased to present its first-ever concert series. Six live performances — ranging from classical to jazz, industrial to digital — will be custom-created . . .

September 29, 2015

24 Hour Film Festival Gala Event- Oct. 9

Celebrate McMaster’s budding filmmakers at the 4th annual McMaster 24 Hour Film Festival Awards Gala. The 24 Hour Film Festival challenges McMaster students and alumni . . .

September 29, 2015

Smoking on campus

Please be aware of our recently updated Risk Management Manual Program RMM 402 Smoking in the Workplace/Public Areas Program with the following highlights:  • Smoking is . . .

September 28, 2015

New online learning module: Critical Appraisal of Guidelines

The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools (NCCMT), hosted by McMaster’s School of Nursing, is committed to supporting and building capacity for evidence-informed decision-making . . .

September 25, 2015

Minimum wage increase: Oct. 1, 2015

The Ontario Provincial Government has announced an increase to the following minimum wages, effective October 1, 2015: General minimum wage will change from $11.00 to . . .

September 22, 2015

McMaster Financial Forum: Nov. 30

2015 McMaster Financial Forum: How Far We’ve Come Plan to attend on November 30, 2015 The purpose of this year’s financial forum is to engage . . .