McMaster appoints new Employment Equity Specialist

McMaster has appointed May-Marie Duwai-Sowa as Employment Equity Specialist in the Human Resources Services Department.

May-Marie is accountable for the advancement of employment equity programming, as McMaster seeks to fully integrate the principles of employment equity to ensure that current and prospective employees receive equitable treatment in matters related to employment.

Through expert leadership, guidance and advice, May-Marie will support a culture that embraces equity, diversity, and inclusivity, which will contribute to McMaster’s standing as one of the Hamilton-Niagara Region’s top employers.

May-Marie comes to us from the City of Hamilton, where she served as Accessibility and Equity Specialist for the past eight years. Her accomplishments include developing and implementing accessibility, anti-racism, anti-oppression and cultural competency initiatives and training to various community groups. In 2014, she was honoured with Hamilton’s first Diversity Champion Award.

“I have followed with excitement as McMaster has continued to demonstrate its commitment to equity and inclusion,” says May-Marie, who points to the University’s recent Employment Equity Census as well as the ongoing work of the Equity and Inclusion Office. “It will be an honour to contribute to the progressive equity and inclusion initiatives now taking place at McMaster.”

Human Resources Services cultivates human potential and champions an inclusive community, by supporting the University’s vision and mission, collaborating with our community, delivering service excellence, and empowering learning and growth.