Madeline Van Impe appointed Wilson College assistant director of planning and administration

Madeline Van Impe has been appointed assistant director, planning and administration, of the Wilson College of Leadership and Civic Engagement.

Supported by a $50 million gift from former McMaster Chancellor L.R. “Red” Wilson, the college is a unique teaching, learning and research environment focused on fostering strong, diverse and resilient civic leaders who are able to anticipate and address social, economic, political and environmental challenges, and work towards creating a more ethical, inclusive and sustainable civic culture.

Prior to joining Wilson College, Van Impe worked in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Arts & Science program.

“I am most excited by the impact that Wilson College will have, both within McMaster and in the wider community and society at large. The intention to cultivate a space for students and faculty who have a desire to lead and build a better Canada with a sustainable future is inspiring.” says Van Impe.

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