IT Security Notice: Phishing Alert

The IT Security team has received reports about a malicious email that has been sent to many members of the McMaster community. The sender is purporting to be from the Library at McMaster University.

Watch out for an email with the following elements:

The objective of the message is to steal your MacID credentials. The email includes a link that, when opened, redirects users to a phishing site.

The IT Security team has enabled measures that will protect members of the McMaster community from these malicious email messages, however some inboxes were affected before measures were implemented.  If you received either of these malicious emails, please delete them immediately.

If you clicked the link, please take the following actions:

  • Scan your computer for malware immediately.
  • Change your password.

As always, we recommend that you take the following steps to help protect yourself from phishing:

  • Hover your mouse over any links in the body of the email reveal the true destination
  • Never open attachments from people you do not know
  • Don’t trust the display name of the sender
  • Submit suspicious message to is-spam@mcmaster.cafor analysis