IT Security Notice: Malicious emails with fraudulent MacDrive link

The IT Security team has received reports of an increased number of malicious email messages mimicking MacDrive shared document notifications.

Be on the lookout for unexpected and unsolicited MacDrive shared document notifications.

  • These emails usually have a subject line similar to “MacDrive Document”
  • They come from a legitimate internal sender, usually someone who you know or work with frequently
  • When you hover over the link in the body of the email, you will see that it directs to a website that is clearly not hosted on the McMaster domain

The objective of this message is to steal your MacID credentials.  Following the link in the message will take you to an external site that mimics the MacDrive login.

The IT Security team has enabled measures that will protect members of the McMaster community from these malicious email messages when they are on the network, however the same measures are not available to those who receive the message off-campus.

Take action: If you receive an email such as the one described above, please forward to immediately, preferably as an attachment.