Henry Giroux to lead McMaster Seminar on Higher Education

Challenging the view that higher education should be nothing more than an adjunct of business culture, McMaster professor and Global Television Network Chair Henry Giroux will lead a free talk entitled ‘Inviting the Public Back Into Higher Education‘ on Thursday, Oct. 24.

This talk will examine how the ideal of higher education as a public good is losing its claim to legitimacy in a society that increasingly defines market interests as the sole measure of individual and social value, and teaching largely as a measurable and instrumental task.

The McMaster Seminar on Higher Education: Practice, Policy, and Public Life is a popular lecture series presented by the Office of the President. The aim of the annual series is to encourage dialogue and inspire critical thought within the McMaster and the broader Hamilton communities.

The latest event in the series will take place in Council Chambers, Gilmour Hall Room 111, and will run from 7 to 8:30 p.m.