Hammer on Paper: Readings from a Residency, Mar. 25
McMaster University Library, the Department of English & Cultural Studies and Hamilton Public Library are pleased to present Hammer on Paper on Wednesday, March 25 from 7-9 p.m. in the Great Hall of Alumni Memorial Hall (University Club)
This free event, open to the McMaster community and members of the public, will feature readings by Hal Niedzviecki, Mabel Pugh Taylor Writer in Residence for 2014/2015, and some of the local writers he has worked with during his residency.

As Writer in Residence, Niedzviecki has worked with writers both at McMaster and the Hamilton Public Library, led workshops, given public readings of his work, and most recently, led the McMaster Poem on Twitter.
Niedzviecki is a writer, speaker, culture commentator and editor, whose work challenges preconceptions and confronts readers with the offenses of everyday life. He is the author of eight books of fiction and non-fiction. He’s also the founder and publisher of Broken Pencil: the magazine of zine culture and the independent arts.
The Mabel Pugh Taylor Writer in Residence is a program that is jointly sponsored by the Department of English & Cultural Studies and the Hamilton Public Library. The residency brings an established writer to the Hamilton area and allows new and aspiring writers to consult one-on-one with him or her. Resident writers participate in public events and help the Department of English & Cultural Studies maintain a lively contact with the Hamilton writing community.
For more information, please contact Anne Plessl (plessla@mcmaster.ca or at 905.525.9140 ext. 24865).