From Creativity to Success public talk

What promotes creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship? What portends failure? What leads to success?

Should you heed “experts” who see no future in your proposed endeavor? Should you take that well-trodden path and be instantly understood and accepted, or should you persist with your pioneering instinct even in the face of ridicule and rejection?

This public talk by professor emeritus John W. Bandler offers views on academia, creativity, risk, entrepreneurship and personal and professional advancement based on his understanding of confirmation bias, first impressions and subtext. Minefields include ethics, over-exposure, secrets, confidentiality agreements, contracts, envy and more.

The event will take place Thursday, April 11 from 4 – 5:30 p.m. in the Information Technology Building (Room 137). Refreshments will be provided, and admission is free.

Click here for further details.