Engineering students awarded Hydro One Women in Engineering Scholarship

Three Engineering students have been named Hydro One Women in Engineering Scholars.

Megan Goodland, Danielle Lake, and Jessica Trac have won $5,000 scholarships, along with a paid opportunity to work for Hydro One in a development student placement.

The Women in Engineering Scholarship was established in 2014 and is aimed at providing opportunities for women to become successful in their professional careers, whether it is in the area of engineering or in other related fields.

“Hydro One believes in developing a strong and diverse work force and continues to work towards breaking down barriers for women who want to pursue a career in engineering,” said Judy McKellar, Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer at Hydro One. “I would like to personally congratulate the recipients of the Women in Engineering Scholarship and look forward to welcoming them into the Hydro One family.”

The deadline to apply for the 2018 in Engineering Scholarship is October 1, 2017. Visit: