Changes at McMaster Innovation Park (MIP)

Since its inception, McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) has been a driver of innovation and economic development in the Hamilton region and a highly effective bridge between research and industry for McMaster’s faculty, researchers and students.  

The work of Fusion Pharmaceuticals, Triumvera, and OmniaBio and many other innovations have brought us closer to achieving the university’s vision of creating a thriving ecosystem for life sciences, advanced manufacturing, automotive, and nuclear research to be commercialized. 

McMaster University remains committed to this vision, however, we are at a key point in the evolution of MIP as we continue to face a more competitive and complex business and real estate environment. 

To continue to build on MIP’s momentum while addressing these challenges, McMaster has determined it is necessary to reconsider how MIP is operating. This will ensure the park’s vision of creating a thriving ecosystem for the University’s research to be commercialized is done in a way that is strategically and financially sustainable in alignment with the university. 

These changes will create a new path for MIP to realize its vision. As a result, Ty Shattuck will be leaving his position.  We appreciate and thank him for his leadership in developing the Park and wish him well. 

On an interim basis, the role of CEO at MIP will be filled by Debbie Martin, Associate Vice President, Real Estate, Ancillary Operations and Partnerships at McMaster University. Debbie offers tremendous experience in real estate, organizational structure and change management and has served as a MIP Board member for five years. 

Over the next several months, McMaster will take time to ensure we continue the momentum that has been achieved, re-evaluate our strategy for the park and begin preparing for the search for a new CEO to lead this new strategy. We will continue to keep the community informed of any developments. 

MIP will continue to advance its vision to attract new business and partners and build an ecosystem that drives economic growth for the Hamilton region.